Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

How do you typically spend most of Sunday?

Asked by Jeruba (56258points) August 7th, 2016

Doing yard work, enjoying family time, chilling and relaxing, doing homework, shopping? What one thing accounts for most of your Sunday time in a typical week?

Once upon a time, my typical Sunday was defined by church and church-related activities. That was a very long time ago. Now, after many changes, it’s my day for household chores. I always feel a little bit like I’m getting away with something when I do them on Sunday rather than Saturday. Being retired, I could spread them out during the week, but I mostly don’t.

What’s the dominant theme of your Sundays?

Tags as I wrote them: Sundays, chores, leisure, weekends, recreational activities, routine.

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13 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

My Sunday is pretty much like every other day for last 30 years or so. It isn’t any different from any other day.

Coloma's avatar

Depends on the Sunday, the weather, my finances and whether or not anything is going on, like getting together with a friend or my daughter.
Today, right now, at 6:12 pm PDT I am relaxing and have been for a couple hours now, I went out for breakfast earlier and have been house/pet/horse sitting for the neighbors since Thurs. a.m. They return tonight so still have the evening horse feeding at 7:30 and feed dogs. Then, I am going to take a nice cool shower and read through a new gift book someone just gave me published by the San Francisco Writer’s Grotto entitled, 642 tiny things to write about.”

janbb's avatar

Since becoming a Unitarian, I go to services about 2 or 3 Sunday mornings out of the month and sometimes stay for coffee and chat. Afternoons are often spent reading, relaxing or swimming. In the evenings in the summer, I will often go for a walk on the boardwalk or to an outdoor blues or jazz concert.

stanleybmanly's avatar

avoiding responsibility

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Fluthering, YouTube, lying on the couch. reading. Adding , but not buying, to my Amazon wish list. Watching the first joke on Joel Osteen.

jonsblond's avatar

It’s the one day I rarely need to set an alarm. I sleep in and then go about my day slowly. If I plan it right it’s also the one day I don’t need to leave the house, unless I want to.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Indulging in my hobbies: sleeping, learning random things from the internet, Fluthering, occasionally hanging out with friends… and above all, not worrying about school work.

Now that you mentioned it, that was what my summer holiday basically looked like. I have to go back to school now, and all the leisure has been put back to Sunday. Made me value Sunday more, but I still can’t get rid of the school work completely :(

filmfann's avatar

I make waffles, and watch all the Sunday morning news shows.

Mariah's avatar

We grocery shop about every other week, and that usually happens on Sunday, which is the worst day to do it because that’s the day everybody else also chooses to do it, so the store is crowded and picked over.

Our weekends are super inconsistent. Sometimes we have plans with three different friends and other times we’ve got nothing, and either situation is fine with me. Plans usually include things like board games and picnics.

This past weekend was one of those nothing ones and it was heavenly. I spent it writing and staring at my new aquarium.

BellaB's avatar

Reading, swimming, being outside if at all possible. Going to concerts at Harbourfront in the summer. Breathing and looking around aimlessly are my favourite part of Sundays.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Get up, go worship, maybe a nap, maybe some cleaning, then go to Starbucks to relax and maybe meet some other brethren i so not worship with.

LazyMe10's avatar

Usually Im just on my computer, watching movies, catching up on a series, reading a book, etc. Whatever Im in the mood for if plans haven’t already been made

OpryLeigh's avatar

Generally Sunday is the only day I try not to make any plans at all and relax as much as possible during the day. My boyfriend usually visits on Sunday afternoon/evening.

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