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What do you think, is there any point in getting offended?
Consider these two situations:
1. Someone comes to you and tells you you are, say, ugly. You look at yourself and see they are right. Is there any point in being offended? What they say is true. Why would one be offended about truth? If you hate it, change it. If you can’t change it, isn’t it
better to accept yourself and learn to live with your flaws, rather than suffering and crying over something you can’t change?
2. Someone comes to you and tells you you are, say, ugly. You look at yourself and see that they are wrong and that you are not ugly. Is there a point in getting offended? It’s not true. Why should you be upset over a lie? Those who care about you won’t care about what others say, and those who care about rumours don’t really care about you, right?
When you look like that, is there really point in getting offended, or should we “get some balls” and stop being oversensitive?
Keep in mind that being called ugly is just an example, it could be anything.
Thanks in advance. Peace!
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