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JLeslie's avatar

If you are against abortion: are you ok with a woman aborting if they contract zika?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) August 8th, 2016 from iPhone

What would you do?

I think it’s pretty well known that when it became obvious that Thalidomide caused severe birth defects, even women who never thought they would abort, did. Every day I am assuming pro life people abort because they became aware of a birth defect in ther growing fetus. I say that because supposedly almost 90% of pregnancies found to have severe genetic defects are aborted and well over 10% of the country identifies as pro-life. I personally know pro life women who aborted when their fetus had no real chance of survival. That of course was a very extreme situation.

I just heard Marco Rubio is now saying women should not be able to get an abortion because of zika infection. I’m not sure what he is talking about? Women can get abortions. Does he mean a very late abortion?

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21 Answers

NerdyKeith's avatar

I’m actually pro choice. But many pro-life proponents tend to make exceptions for life threatening issues.

zenvelo's avatar

I am in favor of it, especially since if Rubio had his way there would be no coverage available for the baby’s medical bills.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Another dire hard right winger spouting off, I am in favour of it what chance does the poor kid have if the mother contacted zika?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m somewhat pro-life but it’s situations like this where issues are known that we need to make exception.

BellaB's avatar

Mr. Rubio’s been pretty consistent with his comments on abortion.

During the presidential campaign, he said he was opposed to abortion in all instances, including in cases of rape or incest.

his standard line

“If I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of life,”

Seek's avatar

The CDC is giving no numbers on chance of birth defects with Zika virus contraction.

That said, a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy for any reason or none, as she deems correct for herself.

If I, as a woman living in Florida, contracted the virus, I would have every test possible to determine the wellbeing of the fetus and, if a severe defect was found, I would absolutely terminate. I don’t have near the support system necessary to care for an extremely special-needs child, and I can’t imagine there’s any upside to being born microcephalic.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Of course the mother should abort if there is ANY sort of risk due to ANY health problem. I think it is a crime to bring a sick human into this world. People born with everything right have a tough time making it, imagine the pure hell a sick person goes through. This is not a merciful and welcoming existence.

JLeslie's avatar

@NerdyKeith In America those exceptions when discussed are regarding the health of the mother, not the fetus.

Sneki95's avatar

Having some serious disease or defect that would kill the child anyways and endanger the mother as well along the line is the only case where abortion seems completely validate to me. It’s still sad that life needs to be terminated like that, but there is no use in having a battle you know you’ll lose. It’s better to take the child out in time, than to go through the pain and danger and achieve nothing, having a stillborn or seriously defected child, or dying while delivering. It’s no use.
Also, if there is any serious health issue, you would probably miscarry anyways.
Cutting it off from the very beginning is probably the best choice.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@JLeslie Yes the mother’s life must take presidence in my view. We currently have these exceptions in place in Ireland. In fact the entire bases of these exceptions are the only condition of having an abortion. I don’t agree it is enough and would support more access to abortion services for Irish women.

JLeslie's avatar

^^In America abortion is legal, we don’t have to qualify for any exceptions during the first few months (I’m not sure the cut off now, I think it’s at 5 months). That’s the federal law. Many states do try to make abortion access difficult though.

Can women get the day after pill legally in Ireland? Or, all forms of “abortion” are illegal except for life of the mother?

Seek's avatar

The morning after pill is not an abortifacient.

JLeslie's avatar

@Seek Note my quotation marks. Keep in mind preventing conception is practically the equivalent to abortion in the Catholic religion. We are talking about Ireland. Not that I think the average Catholic or Irishman thinks they are equivalent, I’m just talking about the teachings of the religion for centuries.

Seek's avatar

According to this the morning after pill has been available without a prescription in Ireland since 2011.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@JLeslie We are trying to appeal our 8th amendment of the Irish constitution for better abortion rights for Irish women.

It is legal to purchase the morning after pill with either a doctors prescription or consultation with a pharmacist.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Amendment, wow. It’s actually part of your constitution. And, it was added in 1983. I find it surprising actually that it was added so recently. I’m not sure why I’m surprised, it’s not like we don’t have a large group of Americans who would love the same thing here.

@Seek Thanks.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@JLeslie Yes I blame the Catholic Church in Ireland over this and they are still actively speaking out against a possible change. Same reason we didn’t have divorce until the 90s.

But this has got to change. I would be ok with women being counselled on all the options available before making a choice. But to not have the choice available at all, is just not excusable for the 21st century. It is the time for change. If Catholics want to not agree with abortion, they have the choice to not avail of the procedure.

JLeslie's avatar

@NeedyKeith Shocking the church still has so much power.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@JLeslie Well it truth they are losing their power and influence quite quickly. But I don’t think they realise how little influence they have left. There has been a very huge shift in opinions influence by the church. The marriage equality referendum of 2015 was very telling in this regard. And the Catholic Church were extremely opposed to it being passed, yet 67% voted yes.

But abortion is a very different issue. I’m concerned of the outcome, but also hopeful that it will pass if and when there is a referendum for abortion.

JLeslie's avatar

^^My father thinks the countries where the church had such an incredible stronghold are on the path of being the least religious. While here, in the US, religious freedom and separation of church and state he think has caused America to be one of the more religious countries of the western world. I don’t know if his observation and summation holds true though.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@JLeslie I think he may have a point there. Still though I can’t help but admire the intent of the founders of the United States in keeping religion and state separate.

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