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Dutchess_III's avatar

Did your mom let you eat cookie dough and cake batter when you were a kid?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 9th, 2016

Mine did. We ate all the cookie dough we wanted.
If she made a cake she’d give us the beaters. She’d actually leave a little of the batter behind in the bowl just for us.

I ask this because my husband’s daughter and 4 of her kids came to visit. I had some chocolate chip cookie dough that I’d bought last week just because I got a craving for chocolate chip cookie dough. (It’s gone now. Ate the last two bits today.)
At one point I asked the oldest girl, 12, if she wanted some cookie dough. She looked at me like I’d lost my mind! She’d never had cookie dough before.
After a while she decided to try it.
Yes, she liked it.

When I make banana bread, I eat that dough too.

So did you / do you still eat cookie dough?

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36 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

How funny. I just finished making my famous peanut butter cookie dough and took several small bites of the dough. My mother always let me and I always let my children eat a little bit of the dough or batter.

anniereborn's avatar

Yep and I still do it.

Lemley's avatar

Yes, she let me (it’s more of a family tradition, I’d say) and I still like it, of course. It’s my winter comfort food. While watching Friends. Who can be sad when they have chocolate cake batter?

Pachy's avatar

Thank the Lord, yes!! Not spoonfuls, just big tastes.

But my favorite thing was getting to lick the beaters and pan when she made her FAMOUS chocolate fudge—famous because she used half the amount of cocoa than the original recipe called for, which gave it a delicate taste I’ve never been able to duplicate or find.

flutherother's avatar

We used to clean the bowls and lick the beaters and taste the scum that formed on the top of home made jam.

janbb's avatar

Did and do. My younger son and I have a joke that wherever he is in the world, I text him that I’m making brownies and he says he’ll be over in 10 minutes to lick the bowl.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh, when I made fudge, when I was a kid, I used marshmallows, butter, sugar, vanilla. The chocolate chips went in last. I LOVED that white stuff before I put the chocolate in. It was hot, hot, hot, too! (Heat hot.) I kept asking myself why I didn’t just skip the chocolate chips and make the white stuff.

Seek's avatar

Did and do.

I have to make at least a double batch of cookies at any point, because between Ian and Mitch I’d never get more than one sheet in the oven otherwise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty sure that when you bake them the calories double. Pretty sure.

Seek's avatar

Seems legit. The heat releases the calories. Wakes them up so they can breed. I like your logic.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Yup, it was quite a treat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Exactly. As Erma (my hero) once said, “Broken cookies cause calorie leakage. Cookie crumbles have no calories.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I like the FB meme, “Good moms let the kids lick the beaters. Great moms turn them off first.” I offered that up to my kids as proof that I was a good mom.

filmfann's avatar

I still do.
It might be the bottom section of the food pyramid.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

My grandma did, but more of a brown sugar on a spoon thing than batter on a spoon as she doesn’t bake that much. My mom is not a kitchen type of woman and spent most of her time doing business.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to eat brown sugar from a spoon. Still do, occasionally.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As a single Mom I wasn’t much of a kitchen person, either. The meals I made were quickies like burritos and spaghetti. I never baked, except for bread.
One Sunday I was frying up some chicken. My 9 year old son wandered in and asked curiously, “What are you doing?”
I said, “I’m frying chicken! What does it look like?!”
He said, “Well, I’ve never seen you do that. I thought you were just experimenting again.”
blink blink.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, and nobody ever died from such practices either. haha

cookieman's avatar

Ha, ha, hoo! I love that you think my mother actually baked anything.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I never had the cookie dough urge. The finished products on the other hand are high on my list of preferences.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Of course. And my kids cleaned the bowl, spoon and beaters too. Perhaps nobody makes cakes in the child’s home?

Pachy's avatar

@Dutchess_III, I went through a brown sugar-eating stage when I was a kid, too. I don’t do that anymore, but late at night when I’ve GOT to have something sweet and can’t find anything else in the house, I’ve been known to mix cream cheese and brown sugar into a frosting and eat that, or melt a small bit of maple syrup and butter together and eat-drink that.

Lightlyseared's avatar

There was some hoo ha in he UK when I was a kid about salmonella in raw eggs so my mum banned me from eating it for a while.

jca's avatar

I’d lick the beaters and the bowl. I wouldn’t eat tons of it with an eating utensil or anything. Now I might take a few licks if I’m in the mood.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nope. We were seven kids. If we started eating the batter, the cookies would never get baked. If I were to even attempt to taste the dough, a large spoon or spatula would come out of nowhere and smack the back of my hand. It didn’t hurt, but the implication was clear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My husband asked her about that. She does @Earthbound_Misfit. She bakes often. She said, “It just never occurred to me….”

@Espiritus_Corvus that’s funny! You had to wait until the cookies or cake was baked…Ever ask why? :D

Pachy's avatar

@Lightlyseared, LOL, I haven’t heard “Hoo Ha” since I was a kid. That was one of my Jewish dad’s favorite
expressions, used exactly as you used it and which I now see is shorthand for brouhaha. ;-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is one of the funniest things you’ll ever read. She uses the word “hoo ha” to mean something else entirely!

Pachy's avatar

LOL, @Dutchess III, I surely knew THAT meaning, but I immediately understood @Lightlyseared‘s reference was the same as my dad’s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s from brouhaha, isn’t it?

BellaB's avatar

Interesting. My mother offered me the bowls and beaters but I wasn’t keen on them. My dad and I aren’t sweet treat fans so a lot of her baked goods were ignored by us. She had to wait for the kaffeeklatsch ladies to come over and rave over her creations.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Awww your poor mum. Slaving over an oven, only to have her baked goods dismissed.

BellaB's avatar

I feel bad about it now. She did some fabulous and beautiful baking, and my dad and I would ask if there was any plain pound cake in the freezer. Luckily I had some friends who were interested in the baking and she taught them a lot of her specialties (flourless hazelnut cakes with chocolate ganache, that sort of thing).

Strauss's avatar

Funny, I always thought brouhaha had been derived from the Spanish bruja!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Probably all related @Yetanotheruser.

jca's avatar

That’s what I heard, too, @Yetanotheruser. “Bruja” is the nickname me and my sister have for each other. :)

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