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Dutchess_III's avatar

When was the last time you were so excited about a new movie coming out that you tracked it, ready to jump on it at the cinema the instant it releases?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 10th, 2016

I haven’t been to the movies in two decades. Makes no sense to spend the money when it will come out on DVD soon, and be much cheaper.
However, I am SO excited about the movie Sully coming out, that I can’t wait to break my fast! I have the release date memorized: Sept 9th. I just want to find an Imax theater to watch it on, tho, and I almost don’t care how far we have to go and how much it will cost.

I already know I love that movie!

Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet?Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet? Is it Sept 9th yet?

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24 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

The Martian. (last year) – great book, great movie.

ragingloli's avatar

There has never been such a movie.

zenvelo's avatar

Star Wars: The Force Awakens. My daughter and I bought reserved IMAX seats six weeks before it opened.

My daughter was chomping at the bit to see Captain America :Civil War. I took her the first night it was open.

I won’t see Sully in a theater. Mr. Sullenberger was the keynote speaker at an industry conference I attended last year. And, the story was examined backwards and forwards in the press. There isn’t anything unknown that will be in the movie.

Seek's avatar

I took a day off work for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I only saw it on release day because I got movie tickets as a thank-you gift from my boss.

Normally, I wait until the crowds die down, and go at like 9AM on a Tuesday, when no one else is in the theatre. People tend to ruin movie experiences.

ragingloli's avatar

Why not reserve a seat for an evening screening instead?

filmfann's avatar

I go to a lot of movies. It would be hard to nail down the most recent film I went to for a midnight showing on opening night, or the first showing on opening day.
I will note that I went to see “The Hateful Eight” in 70mm, which was showing 200 miles from my home. Yes, I was in the area anyway, but I did go to that area knowing I could see it.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Most likely, it was in 1983 in order to see Return of the Jedi.

YARNLADY's avatar

All the Harry Potter movies.

jonsblond's avatar

On the release date? The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. December 2003. I was 8 months pregnant. That was a long time sitting still for a very pregnant woman but it was worth it.

We rarely see movies in the theaters now. We see one or two per year, but never on opening weekend. I hate sitting near loud strangers.

Mimishu1995's avatar

That was me back when I was a fan girl of Sherlock Holmes. It was around the time when Sherlock Holmes was about to hit the cinema and everyone was talking about it. At that time I couldn’t afford the ticket, so I just stood from a distance checking every news about the movie. I didn’t have a chance to watch it in the cinema, but somehow I managed to buy a bootleg DVD the day the movie was screened. The movie was horrible though, a huge disappointment.

Then Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadow came. It got me crazy again. This time I watched the release day while trying to save as much money as possible for the ticket. When it came, I had drawn a plan with my friend and that day we went to the cinema discreetly. Again, it was horrible.

ibstubro's avatar

I avoided this question, but it kept appearing on my list.
As far as I can recollect?
Chitty Chitty, Bang, Bang
I was in second grade, and nothing can replace that anticipation!

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!” LOL!! I saw it, but I don’t remember anticipating seeing it. I just….saw it. “Bed Knobs and Broomsticks” too. I think maybe Mom just packed us off to the cinema to get rid or us for a while, no telling what we were going to see. “101 Dalmations.” “Dr. Doolittle.”
I saw “The Godfather,” when I was 13, at the cinema. I went by myself. Wow. If they had ratings then they weren’t enforced, not one little bit. Should have been. 0o0.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I love going to the cinema. I cannot imagine not going for two decades!

The Harry Potter films. The Lord of the Rings films. I was so, so looking forward to seeing The BFG, but I was leaving on my trip almost as it started and I couldn’t find the time and now it’s not showing.

I’m sure there have been other films too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It is fun. For me, though, it just is so expensive. I don’t want to pay $XX (I don’t even know how much it is anymore) when I can just wait and get it on DVD for half that. Or wait a little longer and get in on the 2 fer 1 rack. Or wait till it comes out on TV.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III I usually can find movies on TV after a few months or so. It is special to watch them on the big screen I-Max, which is why I paid for the Harry Potter movies. I also have the full set on DVD.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@Dutchess_III, don’t you have something like ‘cheap Tuesday’? There is usually one day a week where you can go to the cinema for a much cheaper price. Anyway, if there’s a film you fancy, perhaps check out the deals your local cinema does. We have a membership with our cinemas, and that means we get points everytime we buy a ticket and every six, we get a free movie. I really love seeing films on the big screen, and we like going out to the cinema, so it’s a good deal for us.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I wouldn’t even know @Earthbound_Misfit. I have had no desire to go to the cinema.

ibstubro's avatar

I-Max is a whole nother kettle of worms!
If I had an I-Max 3-D theater available, I’d likely see every movie they made available. Or nearly. They’re not movies, they’re vacations!
As it is, I think I’ve seen 3, and all were less than 20 years ago.
When I was in Paradise (Hawaii) I went to I-Max 3-D, they are that awesome.

When I grow up, I’m going to see a movie in a cinema the first Monday of every month!

ragingloli's avatar

*can of worms

ibstubro's avatar

Can of fish.
Kettle of worms.

Think! Laugh!!

Pee in my cornflakes funny!
Crazy as a lox.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You mean “pee in your meteorite” funny!

OK, well, I did go to an Imax feature at the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson in 2012. Yeah. It was awesome! Just awesome. At one point it featured the night sky from different points of Earth. It was so strange how I easily, instantly recognized our star pattern from the western hemisphere….but was thrown by the star patterns from the eastern. It was like, “Where the hell am I?” Crazy.

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III The Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere have the same star patterns as the Earth revolves.

There is a different star pattern in the Southern Hemisphere.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you. Whatever, it was still odd, looking up into a night sky that I didn’t recognize. It just brought something home to me….It’s like after a massive ice storm here that we had in 2002 that practically destroyed a LOT of trees. Not one tree older than 10 years was left untouched. Driving down my road the next day, and for several weeks after, even after it was all cleaned up, it was odd how disoriented I was, because the “landscape” was alien to me. It made me realize how much we depend on some things without realizing it.

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