Suggestion: Could responses to questions be given a time stamp?
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19 Answers
I really love this idea and have often wondered why there was no time stamp. (I do realize that I didn’t answer your question though!)
They are. Hover over the end of the “Flag as” line and a red backwards “P” will appear. Click on this and the time stamp will show.
^ The penguin got to it…four minutes before I could!
And your post was just one minute ago!
Aw! I was gonna join in, but then I worried that doing so 19 minutes later would look like I was trying too hard ;P
Also, separate but related: If you click on the paragraph symbol instead of hovering over you’ll get a hyperlink to that specific quip.
And jellies with long memories will recall that this subject somehow turned bitterly controversial some long time ago and that the optional hover-view time stamp was a compromise: it’s there, but you don’t have to see it unless you want to. When I was new, I made this same suggestion and practically got my head bitten off.
I don’t have a ‘flag as’ like on @johnpowell ‘s link.
I just have the flutherite’s name or ‘great answer.’
@MrGrimm888 For some reason, the time stamp is hidden. To reveal it, you must move your cursor to “Flag as” at the bottom of each post. Now move it to the right just beyond the little flag. A red ΒΆ will appear and a little message will read: “Permalink for this response (x minutes ago)”.
I don’t have a “flag as” feature when using Fluther on my IPhone, but I do have it on my computer.
Ah but it doesn’t work on touch screen devices
That explains it. I’m on a phone.
They already use jquery so if they added the mobile version too they could use the taphold event to simulate a click and hold.
Let me check something….
Oh shit… 201KB for a edge case. Fuck that.
All hail the Penguin, a wise Jelly and all-around lovely lady!
I’m not sure what value it will bring to the response? What matters to me is the content of it rather than who told you first / when.@jeruba – if you could share the thread it would be interesting to see how people can fight over such an issue..)
@imrainmaker, the controversy occurred shortly before I joined in November of 2008. I wasn’t here for it, just the aftermath, and so I made my suggestion innocently and got jumped on unexpectedly.
Older members here may recall the issue. I know that it involved a member who apparently caused a lot of trouble and (I believe) eventually got banned. I don’t know what all he did, but I don’t want to write his name even now. It’s possible that the controversy was not over the suggestion itself but maybe that this member was obnoxiously persistent about it and made it a sore point with everybody. Just guessing here.
Andrew was concerned about clutter and it was a bit of a fight to to get the permalink option added. Then a bit later there was the timestamp debate. I suggested adding it as a tooltip to the permalink and Andrew was cool with it since it was there but hidden.
And I would argue that the mobile site is cramped enough adding a timestamp would be bad.
I was thinking more on the lines of having it displayed underneath the answer (without having to click, tap or hover)
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