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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you feel more comfortable on a self supporting, "A" frame type of tall ladder, or one that leans against a tree, or house, for support?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 11th, 2016

I don’t do ladders so good any more. I need to clean my gutters. All we have is this 10 or 15 foot A frame ladder. I don’t like climbing on that thing, Sam I am. I think I’d feel more secure on a regular ladder that would lean against the house, but we don’t have one at the moment.

Am I wrong? Would the sense of stability be just in my mind.

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15 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

With regular ladders I always fear that the base will slide backwards.
On the other hand, A-type ladders seem awfully wobbly and prone to tipping over.
I prefer permanently affixed ladders.

ucme's avatar

We have staff for that

elbanditoroso's avatar

I like the A ladders, as long as it’s on a flat surface.

I don’t like either of them with non-level ground.

Seek's avatar

Meh, I’ll climb a stack of chairs in a pinch. YOLO, bitches.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, we’re talking gutters here. From necessity they will be in the yard.

We have a scaffolding that we got at an auction years ago. I told my husband I want to pull it out and assemble it, keep it in a hidden corner of the yard, (we have a huge fenced back yard) and use it in lieu of a ladder, but hubs says absolutely not. I don’t know why.

YOLO I used to too, @Seek! Hell, at one time I’d just climb up on the roof and go from there! I once climbed a ladder to the third floor of a house, pulled an abandoned puppy out the window and climbed back down with it in my arms. But I know I can’t do that anymore. Things change.

BellaB's avatar

Maybe it’s all the time I spent painting walls and ceilings, but I much prefer A-type ladders to leaners.

zenvelo's avatar

I have used both types for cleaning out gutters. And I prefer an “A” ladder facing 90 degrees from the gutter.

The big goal in cleaning gutters is lateral reach. I feel I am able to do this more on an A ladder than on a straight ladder.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Will you come do mine @zenvelo? It’s full of apples.

flutherother's avatar

I cleaned gutters for 17 years in my previous house and I felt safer on a lean to ladder rather than an A frame. If you don’t feel safe on a ladder then you aren’t safe and you should find some other way of getting the gutters clean.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know what you’re saying, but I think I’d do OK on a lean ladder. Can’t afford to pay someone so it’s on me. Just have to get a ladder.

Does anyone have one of those “Little Giant” ladders? Do they work like the ads say?

2davidc8's avatar

I have one of those Little Giant ladders. And yes, they are quite versatile, especially with the additional attachments that you can buy. But the big minus is that they’re quite heavy, because essentially they’re two ladders in one, so you’re hefting two ladders from place to place.
@Dutchess_III If you want to try a lean-to, but don’t want to buy it, why not rent one? Do you have a tool rental place near you?
Also, surprisingly, some libraries (yes, libraries) have tools to lend these days. (For example, the Livermore, CA, public library, of all places, as tools to lend.)

BellaB's avatar

@2davidc8 – I’d forgotten all about that! There is a tool library down the road from us. I’m not looking for a ladder myself but there are a few tools I could borrow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, we have every need for a ladder of that kind @2davidc8. Gawd, I got trees to trim, too. It’s never ending. We just need to snag one cheap at auction or a garage sale or something because I simply can’t do the A-frame ladder any more.

2davidc8's avatar

The nice thing about the Little Giant is that it is an A-frame as well as a lean-to. But, as I said, I don’t like how heavy it is. When you have to carry it around a lot, it feels more Giant than Little.

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