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Pandora's avatar

Has anyone ever had their fingers suddenly curl up but with no pain involved?

Asked by Pandora (32549points) August 11th, 2016

A few days ago, I reached for my phone and dropped it because my fingers curled but would not close completely. It looked like it should’ve been painful,but it is as if there was no feeling and my hand would not do what it was suppose to do and so I dropped the phone but was able to catch it with my other hand.
I quickly forgot about it and just remembered a few minutes ago. Does anyone know what can cause this?
I’ve lost feeling in my hands before some years back and it turned out it was a pinch nerve in my neck but that was different. I had extreme pain from the pinch nerve and after a few hours I could move my hand but I lost sensation. This was a loss of sensation and movement, but it was brief. Same hand by the way.

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7 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes. I had the “pleasure” of experiencing hypocapnia after using a ventilator that forced me to hyperventilate. The reduced CO2 in the blood can cause muscle cramps and involuntary contractions of the extremities.(tetany). It was awful.
Fortunately it goes away quickly when you adjust your breathing (or the ventilator)..

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janbb's avatar

There’s something called trigger finger. I don’t know much about it but it might be that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sometimes my fingers cramp and curl inward. It’s weird but I stretch them out, pressing them flat until it goes away.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Yes this had happened once.
I t was caused buy overuse of your hands.
Think about how many times we text,type,wash dishes,wipe windows,etc
take a rest from this type of activites for about two days to one week for relief.
However if it reoccurrs then refer too:

I had overworked my hands as I worked in three jobs and had to take medical leave when I could not grasp or hold anything inmy hands.It took five months to finally be able to hold a coffee mug in my hand. After that it was much better I returned to my job with stioulations to cut back on the duities demanded on one person.
I had damaged a tendon and now have to be careful of the weight of things that I carry ( ex: groceries) . I can carry a four letre milk jug for 15 minutes but after that it takes two days resting to regain normal use again. I take taxi cabs bi- monthly to stock up groceries so that I don’t have to carry heavy items .
By the way the lazer treatments did not do anything except to pacify the patient.
I tmerely treated symptoms but not the cause, so I stopped the weekly treatments.
I am much better now but use caution more.

Pandora's avatar

It is possible from over use. I did recently clean my steps with the carpet cleaner using the hand piece. extension. The carpet steps were dirtier than they looked and my hand was tired when I was done. The next day, amazingly my hand was not sore so I forgot about it.
Still weird there was no pain in my fingers and joints. I just lost total control of moving my fingers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, that’s true. My fingers started freaking out when I spent a week trimming what felt like miles and miles of wall, where it met the ceiling, with a brush like the green one shown here.

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