Meta Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is something screwy with Lurve counting? It seems like it is ignoring lurves earned during the day and only adding one each morning.

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) August 13th, 2016

I noticed this a week ago – I may get a bunch of Great Answer or Great Question lurve points, but my total only seems to go up by one each day.

Is this because I am getting close to 20,000?

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34 Answers

janbb's avatar

No – it’ because everyone may be maxed out on you. After you have gotten 100 lurve from someone your lurve does not go up any more from their GAs or GQs. Mine has gone up in days except for the one from signing in each day.

Stinley's avatar

The penguin has it. Everyone who gave you a lurve that didn’t accrue a score will have already given you 100 lurves. I still give them.

janbb's avatar

Edit: Should have read: “Mine has not gone up in days…..

Brian1946's avatar

Also, it’s my understanding that after a question or an answer gets so many GQ’s or GAs, no subsequent accolades contribute to your total lurve, even if they are given by jellies who aren’t maxed out on the lurve they can otherwise give you.

E.g., if one of your answers has 10 GAs, no subsequent GAs will add to your total lurve, even if they’re given by someone who has never lurved you before.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@janbb – that explains it. So the key is to get accolades from new people, not the same crowd.


janbb's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yup, that’s the key but they have to stay long enough to figure out giving lurve. Now go out and find some newbies!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Someone mentioned this a few days ago on a thread. Just for kicks, I counted my lurve from the day before and I had 31 hits, but only 10 points. That’s the way it goes on a site where everybody is maxed out on everybody else. At this rate, I’ll be 116 before I hit 30,000. This is good incentive to encourage newbies. But it’s nice that older members still give lurve anyway. I appreciate being appreciated.

imrainmaker's avatar

I get the rationale behind it when the site might have been in full swing with large no. of audiences but not sure if that holds true now with pace at which questions are asked / no. of people answering them or appreciating your views.

BellaB's avatar

So I should be hitting up everyone with all the GA and GC that I can manage since I probably haven’t maxed out on anyone yet.


well, here goes

Seek's avatar

Also, if I remember correctly, only the first 5 GAs on an answer count, right?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I feel your pain @elbanditoroso. Not that I’m really bothered, but with our small, die-hard crowd, it’s hard to get to the next level these days. We need those newbies to find our responses enticing.

And yes you should @BellaB. Most new people don’t understand the system and I’ve noticed some questions have barely any GAs at times.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

The reason some of us do not hand out lurve like all day suckers but deal them out very judiciously.

ucme's avatar

All the more impressive that my score is as mahoosive as it is, widespread lurve from many, many jelly beans past & present…being this good really is special
Not that I have a single fuck to give :D

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ucme, I am always impressed with your humility

ibstubro's avatar

Bottom line.
We need fresh Jelly.
Seedless black raspberry preferred, but plain old grape will do.

Seek's avatar

I like marmalade!

ibstubro's avatar

I personally prefer properly prepared preserves, but only Jellies can leave lucious lurve.

ucme's avatar

@elbanditoroso I suspect that to be a lie of sorts, but if you’re happy, then that really is all that matters

Pachy's avatar

My philosophy…

Lurve thyself.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Can’t the mods , like modify the site? It sounds like many aren’t a fan of the system.

janbb's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The original developers have moved on to other work and the mods have limited time and powers to change things. We have been told that no new development will be done on the site but two very talented mod/programmers have made some improvements and corrections.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ah….The original developers owe fluther child support then.

janbb's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Actually they pay the server fees so they do give child support!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

And they were smart enough to get out of here before it went to pot

Coloma's avatar

This is why I may be doomed to stay stuck at 44444 forever. haha
I always give lurve liberally but know I too am maxed out on many members here.

Coloma's avatar

Well…the spell is broken, I won’t have to hide in the closet at 4:44.44 lol

imrainmaker's avatar

^^separate thread already started for this and screen shot taken with that score of yours..)

Coloma's avatar

^^^ What? A separate thread? Where, why? haha

Stinley's avatar

@imrainmaker post it here!
sorry but the other posts have been taken down for rule transgression.

ibstubro's avatar

We need new blood ooze.
I want to move up a floor so @Stinley can have my old digs. They’re junky, in a good way.

BellaB's avatar

I’ve been GQ and GAĆ­ng all over the place. Hope it helps a bit.

Coloma's avatar

Back at’cha @BellaB

ibstubro's avatar

If I gave any more GA & GQ’s “Good” would be a valued commodity.

I think you’d love my old Flutter fortress, @Stinley, or I wouldn’t wish it on you. treasures in every corner.

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