Does synchronicity really exist?
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well!
This question has been on my mind and I would just like to hear what everyone thinks :)
Does “synchronicity” really exist? Or is everything just coincidence and random?
Just wondering, I like to hear everyone’s view points :)
I am not saying I completely believe in synchronicity, it’s just really interesting to me. Things I always think about always happens in my real life. A recent example: I was thinking about a friend a few days ago, really thinking in my mind about them and wondering how they are….... Then soon I get a friend request from them, messages, and wanting to meet up again…. After not seeing or hearing from them for over a year.
Another example is as soon as I wake up or go to sleep, or let’s say if I’m having trouble sleeping my friend will text me right at the exact time I grab my phone…........ All the time…. Or if I am feeling weird, nervous, etc, my friends always call at the RIGHT moment…. just strange…
That is probably just a mere coincidence, but things like that happen to me A LOT…. Not only with people, but with objects and places as well.
So my question is…... does synchronicity exist…? Or is everything I have experienced just random and does not hold meaning? Does manifestation exist ? Law of attraction?
Thank you to anyone who answers, I know my writing is kind of sloppy lol :)
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19 Answers
Sure, I have had experiences like that too. I believe there are unexplainable occurrences but I also think that when our minds are really looking for them we can often find them everywhere.
It’s sort of like buying a new car and then, all of a sudden, you see “your” car everywhere. It’s because your awareness has now been kicked into overdrive due to association.
Sometimes it is just a weird coincidence.
I was once, literally, walking down the stairs in my house a few days after a job interview that I really wanted and I was thinking to myself ” I hope they call soon” and, boom, the phone rang at that very minute as I was still walking down the stairs and I got the job. :-)
Yeah, I agree to both! It’s so fascinating! I’ve thought about the awareness before! That’s definitely true. Like if I’m on my period and think about babies I just notice babies everywhere lol…. (TMI). But then there are some things (like lots of things that have happened) that are kind of “in tune”... Like what you said about receiving the phone call for your job :) Too cool. It’s so fascinating….
Whether it does or not, we are wired to look for patterns, and the urge is so powerful that we will invent them if they are absent. It’s a trait exploited universally by enterprises of every stripe from casinos through televangelists.
I noticed that when we got a dog. Suddenly there were dog food commercials and ads everywhere.
I also saw it happen when we had our first child. Stores began to advertise baby clothes and supplies.
I am noticing pet stores selling fish supplies now that the fish in my pond are growing.
We are human. One of our big strengths (and weaknesses) is our ability to find patterns (even when they don’t exist.)
When I was looking for a mattress I saw mattresses everywhere. That isn’t the point.
I’m talking about when you think of something or someone specifically in your mind. Or when you “feel” something is about to happen and it does…. For example other occurrences like twins who are separated. If something happens to one twin, then the other twin will “feel” the pain or “feel” something isn’t right. There has been cases of that, you can look it up.
Nope, if something such as that happens, for me it is not that.
Is it for you the workings of a divine presence?
We are all in a human sanctuary. A zoo. The zookeeper takes care of us and remains hidden. Today is not august 15 /2016. I’ve lost Track of the real date.
Do you suppose the zookeeper is aware of the time or date? I’m particularly concerned that he/she not overlook feeding time.
So weird, I wrote a response and then it disappeared! And then it said I logged out of Fluther but I didn’t ! So I am writing my response again….. That was weird…..
I honestly don’t know….
There is a quote I like that says something like “I know enough to know I don’t know anything at all.” Not exactly in those words, but you get the point.
I get and understand coincidences. I consider myself to be logical. I’m not religious or even believed in Santa Claus when I was younger. But so many synchronicities have happened in my life, it’s quite bizarre and spectacular. I am not joking.
The logical side of me says “Whatever” or it doesn’t matter, or nothing has meaning and things just happen…........... Then another part of me feels there is something much deeper, complex beyond what humans can understand.
So I’m not really sure about anything at this point lol
Amazing words. I really dig that sentence, that was super deep.
Intuition is definitely real but we often let our heads talk us out of our gut feelings.
@stanleybmanly The zookeeper lets us take care of minor everyday things. I just had an orange and beef stew.
Absolutely. It was a great album by the Police.
Synchronicity confuses me because I don’t believe there is any sort of mechanism (physical or metaphysical) that would explain it or cause it—yet I grew up with a mother who seemed to be able to feel whenever someone in her family was in trouble.
The most memorable story is from before I was born, because it is also the most dramatic—in the middle of the day, my mom suddenly became worried about her youngest brother, and began calling the rest of the family on the available phone to ask what had happened (this is before cell phones). Everyone was bewildered: “what are you talking about? Nothing’s happened.” A few hours later, after the brother was able to make contact with people, the family found out that he had been in a car accident, and it was around the same time my mom had first felt that something was wrong… And then I have so many smaller memories of my mom looking at me and saying “something’s wrong with so-and-so,” and then we find out later that something was indeed wrong for them, or of my mom calling me when I’m having trouble somewhere and before I say anything she’s asking me what happened.
I don’t believe that it’s confirmation bias, though of course it may very well be. It might also be a series of coincidences, which can happen. Either of those explanations makes more sense to me. We’ve just called it spooky, for lack of another term or better explanation…. we’re a family that considers itself fairly skeptical about most things, though of course this spookiness blows that out of the water. In any event, it makes for good stories.
I think most here are on the same page. Paterns emerging from an innate need to try and make sense of our environment.
Then there are indeed, some unexplained events in my life.
All I can say about that is, it is a strange universe.
What a long, strange trip it’s been. lol
“We have to shout above the din of our Rice Krispies…”
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