Social Question

Do you think it's unethical for a daycare provider, working out of her own home, and by herself, to expect two weeks of paid vacation every year?
My daughter’s day care provider called her last Saturday to tell her she was taking this week off. My daughter said, “So the money I just gave you yesterday gets applied to next week instead of this week?”
The babysitter said, “No, this will be my other week of paid time of.” Apparently she had taken a week off about a month ago and my daughter had to pay for that week.
That blew my mind. So not only do the parents have to pay for the first babysitter’s vacation, they also have to come up with money for a temporary sitter during the week she is gone.
If, for any reason, I had to take time off (and I don’t think I ever did,) I would not have asked the parent’s to pay for that day.
Hell, after I had major surgery on Saturday, (an ectopic pregnancy that had ruptured,) I was released from the hospital on Sunday, and my daycare was open for business that Monday.
My boyfriend (who was a PE teacher) carried the next two days for me, while I recovered, then decided he didn’t want to do it any more and left.
I had to pick up and carry on, by myself, hurting and exhausted. (The day care kids were a DREAM. I was able to sit in a chair and direct from there. Wonderful, wonderful children. Of course, I’d had most of them for two years at that point and they were well trained. ;) )
It never occurred to me to charge the parents for times that I didn’t watch their children.