Has anyone else here ever heard Trump or Cruz described as elitists?
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6 Answers
Well, you know my answer but I’ll provide context. It was by a good friend who is a self described socialist and calls neocons and hard line right wingers elitist. Other times it was in passing conversation with random folks. I have generally heard it spoken in a way that both follows the definition and is detogatory towards the rich upper class and the academic upper crust.
That’s much closer to the actual meaning of the word, and there was a time when you had to put the word “intellectual” in front of it to wield it as the weapon it has become. But your answer actually stunned me, and I am sincerely curious as to whether my perceptions on this are wrong. God knows, I’m wrong often enough!
That’s what leads me to believe that it’s got to be a regional thing. I don’t think you are someone who would normally have perception skewed when it comes to something like this. It could be that when it us used in a derogatory way towards something that is offensive you raise a sharp ear and when it is used in other contexts the percieved volume is lower. I am certainly guilty of that at times.
I think it’s very interesting that those who would lower taxes on billionaires are not described as elistist while people, like Obama, who are, at least arguably, trying to help the poor and middle-class are. i do see it as thinly masked anti-intellectualism.
And talk of anti-intellectualism – I apologize for the typo and poor capitalization in my previous post! Maybe I need my taxes lowered.
Elitist grammarian penguin!~
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