How many open facial tissue ("Kleenex") boxes do you have distributed around your house right now?
Asked by
Jeruba (
August 18th, 2016
This is question 2 of 3.
Me, I don’t want them to be far out of reach no matter where I am. So I have many. Shortly I’ll count them.
How about you?
Tags as I wrote them: tissues, Kleenex, product supply, household inventory.
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26 Answers
One each on my bedroom, office, master bath and TV room. I’ve always got to have one within reaching distance.
Only two, one in the upstairs bath, one in the downstairs bath. Unless I have a cold (rare, these days) I have little need.
I have them everywhere. I will start counting now. Here goes…from the front of the house to the back
Family room: one on desk, One on shelf for gloves and hats 2
Powder room: one on back of toilet 1
Kitchen: one on table , one on refrigerator (Puffs with lotion) 1
Dining room: 1 on table
Living room: 1 on kotatsu
Master Bedroom: 2 on back of bed
M Bathroom: 1 on back of toilet
Guest room: 1 on stand
Bathroom 1 on counter
Total in living area: 11
Basement: 2. One on workbench and one near washer dryer
Garage: 1 on tool box
Porch 1 on picnic table
Barn 1 on work bench
One in each car -. 3
Subtotal -outdoors 8
Total living area and outdoors: 19!
Just because there are so many does not mean my consumption is much greater than a person who has only 1. It just means I like to have a box right at hand when I need it.
One upstairs and one downstairs.
None, my boys both suffer nasal allergies. If I tried to keep Kleenex around I’d go broke. I get wild ideas of investing in tissues for a while, and they last, like, two days. And then they’re back to using the (much cheaper) toilet paper.
Sheesh! Some people use a lot of tissues. I have about three or four boxes. One in the bedroom. One in the kitchen area. Another in the rumpus. There might be one in my ensuite. Not sure if my kids have boxes of tissues in their bedrooms (they buy their own).
I think I have zero. There is a closed plastic pack of some brand of tissue somewhere, but although I offered its use to people a few times, I have otherwise not opened it after years of ownership. I use paper towels or a kerchief or toilet tissue on my nose.
@Seek An aunt and uncle and their kids used handkerchiefs. There was always a stack of them available in the kitchen. It didn’t matter if it was for a single use. They used one and threw it in the dirty clothes. Very cheap.
It’s just an idea I saw in action once.
Ick. I really don’t like handkerchiefs. They always seem so unsanitary to me. I still remember my dad’s hankys being soaked in a bucket prior to the wash. Nope. I’d rather have my snotty tissues go in a bin. I don’t want to wash hankies.
I am a snot machine. When I wake up it is like 5 minutes for clearing my nose.
I just keep a t-shirt next to my desk for my snot rockets. American Apparel since they are softer than TP and a bit more grippy.
One each in the computer room, family room, kitchen, laundry room and car. In the bathrooms we use toilet tissue.
One. In the bedroom. It’s not that big of an apartment, so everything is pretty close to the bedroom.
Usually three are open. One in the bathroom, one in the guest bedroom and one in the kitchen. The SO uses cloth hankies.
None. Zero. Not a single one, anywhere.
I use handkerchiefs (bandannas, mostly) and wash them at least weekly. I haven’t had a box of tissues in the house in years and years.
I have an opened pocket pack of tissues in the kitchen, and an unopened box of Kleenex in the linen/paper towel/TP closet.
We don’t have much need unless one of us gets a cold.
One upstairs and one downstairs. My allergies are bad this season so they need to be reasonably accessible, but I don’t like to have too many open boxes around. Seems somehow wasteful.
None. When we were on an unemployed/tight budget for a few years it was one of the many things to go.
Even after doing better financially, we never bought them again as we realized toilet paper works just as well.
None…..I just blow my nose with toilet paper in the bathroom or a paper towel in the kitchen.
@Jeruba One, which is plenty as I live in a small apartment.
@LuckyGuy is the champion so far, but I come close. My son and I are both prone to allergies, and when the air is bad I can go through half a box in a day. When a real cold hits, it’ll be more than that. And when I need a tissue, I typically need it fast.
Right now: 1 each in kitchen, dining room, living room, husband’s room, my room, front bathroom, back bathroom, son’s bedroom, other son’s bedroom; 2 in our bedroom. That makes 11 in the house.
There’s one each in both cars and one that I know of in the garage: 14 accounted for, in all.
I’m not counting the pocket packs, which abound in purses, tote bags, luggage, etc.
When the supply in the hall closet goes below a dozen full boxes, Kleenex becomes an urgent shopping list item.
I am glad not to have been born before the advent of soft, disposable (and flushable) household paper products. I have on occasion been shown to a small outbuilding where the remains of a Sears catalog hung from a nail. Thank goodness those were just rustic outings and not a way of life.
@Jeruba Ahh! When a cold hits I have one by my chair in the living room AND have a paper bag taped to my chair side table for proper waste.
Ouch, you people who use paper towels or toilet paper exclusively, doesn’t it hurt your nose?
…no? I usually don’t hide razor blades in the Cottonelle.
I have to say I use toilet paper often too. Many times I’ve pulled my “tissues” out of my sleeve only for people to look at me oddly because it’s quite obviously a streamer of loo roll. And @YARNLADY, it’s soft enough to blow your nose on. I don’t usually use paper towels as they’re much heavier ply.
@LuckyGuy, check your totals. I think you listed 12 in the house.
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