Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

How do you feel about unpermitted erections in Central Park, NY? The NYC Parks Department is against them.

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) August 19th, 2016

In what has to be one of the most poorly written documents everywhere, the NYC Parks Department announced a policy that disallowed a statue of Trump to be placed in the park.


Was the wording used chosen to be provocative? How has the NYC Parks department handled other erections? (sorry, poor choice of words. But I’m just using the wording of the Parks Department)

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38 Answers

Seek's avatar

Poorly written?

I thought it was brilliant. And obviously done on purpose, in reference to the itty bitty micropenis on the statue.

flutherother's avatar

The wording was chosen to be humorous not provocative. It was Trump himself who first mentioned his penis in the erection (typo) campaign so I have no sympathy for him.

zenvelo's avatar

Where do I go to get a permit? I may need one next time I am in New York with my girlfriend.

janbb's avatar

I think it was a brilliant master stroke – if I may use the phrase. Dissing while standing up for the policy.

chyna's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

I love it! Love it love it!

I can’t help but wonder how Trump is feeling about all the derision and contempt that is leveled against him. I know he’s thick skinned and doesn’t give a crap about anyone else, but he’s also been used to everyone kissing his ass, jumping to fulfill his every whim, fawning over him for his whole life. Until now, when the whole country is farting in his general direction.

@flutherother Did Trump really mention his penis at some point??

johnpowell's avatar

Yes he did, and it was during a debate.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Infantile and stupid.

gondwanalon's avatar

HA! Good questions. But I have another question.

How many milliseconds would it take to have a nude Hilary statues in NYC Central Park torn down?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Straight up fun all around. Those civil service stiffs have rigid regulations. They’re lucky removal of the orange offense amounted to a simple hand job. Of course here in San Francisco, there is loud and raucous protest over the removal of our own nude Trump from the Castro district. The district’s supervisor is hotly engaged at city hall this very instant in the frantic effort to secure the return of Orange Man to his proper home. Apparently no one has the sense to understand, that the thing will never survive 24 hours in an open space. It will be stolen in the dead of night, because the damned thing is now worth a fortune!

zenvelo's avatar

@stanleybmanly The artist is willing to sell copies to a private collector.

The big brouhaha in San Francisco is about the epoxy on the sidewalk being vandalism.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ha ha! A FB post showed a close up dic pic of it. Yeah, no dick and NO BALLS at all!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

How did the artist get these to five cities? What a great idea this was!

johnpowell's avatar

@gondwanalon The difference here is that I have never heard Hillary chastise a person over their looks. Trump calls women dogs and pigs and says they would look better on their knees. So he is fair game.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, unpermitted erections. Well..considering Trumps ego is like an Elephant on Viagra, I think somebody should erect a statue of him with a giant penis where his head should be.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The tragedy is with the possibility of a tasteless joke as President. Does anyone suppose the ridicule might cease?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@stanleybmanly – the republicans wasted two years trying to impeach Bill Clinton over the actions of his penis. Remember the headline articles about what direction it tilted?

So I would say that discussion of presidential penises is on the rise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, the ridicule would not cease.

Coloma's avatar

@elbanditoroso On the rise ey? lol

johnpowell's avatar

If it was to rise I don’t think it would be noticable.

gondwanalon's avatar

@johnpowell Trump is a blowhard and a rude crude SOB. He may deserve such treatment but why lower ourselves to his level?

Also this statue could fire-up the Trump supporters. God forbid that they come up with something this revolting on Hillary.

Hillary would show a lot of class by speaking out against such a disgusting statue.

Seek's avatar

Hillary would do best to completely ignore it, and not risk doing anything to further alienate those on the left of the spectrum. Last thing she should do is insult a group of political artists this close to the election.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Penis jokes:

What an incredibly adult, professional, sexism free and fact based argument.

And so many positively lose their shit when someone dares suggest that Hillary just fucking smile.

And Trump is fat, SHIT.

Hillary isn’t exactly a Liddy Dole or Sarah Palin.

I posit that Hillary’s aesthetic decline is deliberate.

Gotta get that feminist cred.

Seek's avatar

It’s not an argument. It’s a statement. It’s intended to attract attention. It’s 3D graffiti.

Let’s not act like street art is a formal debate forum.

jonsblond's avatar

I want to like it, but if you are going to be against body shaming there can be no exceptions.

imrainmaker's avatar

This might be the first time in the history..or has it been the case previously also?

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was my very first thought, too @jonsblond. But it was more along the lines of “How does it feel, asshole.” Trump himself is numba one body shamer, is he not? Is turn about fair play?
It was probably the most vicious blow you could level at an arrogant, narcissistic, vain, ego-centric male.

Seek's avatar

Unless the statue is modelled from a nude photo that I (blessedly) have never seen, how is this body shaming exactly? It’s a nude cartoon in statue form.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I actually wonder about the artists themselves. How did they do that? What’s it made out of? What did they do to try and make it an accurate representation, if they did?

Dutchess_III's avatar

As far as the body shaming, most of the derision is aimed at the tiny penis and total lack of testicles. I’ve only heard one person mention the fat.

imrainmaker's avatar

How would people react if similar statues of Hillary are erected?

jonsblond's avatar

If it’s not body shaming what is the point then? Why erect an unflattering statue of a person?

I honestly think Trump is flattered that people would go to this much trouble to try to shame him. I doubt he’s offended.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! He probably isn’t, @jonsblond! But…what guy isn’t going to get offended when his penis size comes under fire? I mean, classic Trump, he’s already made a reference to the size of his dick, on national news, no less.

Seek's avatar

It’s not about offending Trump himself. It’s a political statement.

It’s titled “The Emperor Has No Balls”. It’s supposed to be evocative of the juxtaposition of Trump’s self-perceived power and his utter lack of courage and humanity.

It’s easy to attack it for having altered genitalia. Why not comment on why he’s wearing a Mason’s ring? Or why it’s nude at all? Or the expression on his face? There’s so much more than a micropenis to this statue.

You don’t like it? That’s ok, you don’t have to. Are you offended? Maybe that’s the point. They are graffiti artists, they’re used to being unappreciated and reviled.

@imrainmaker – I don’t know. Make some statues and find out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I could care less, actually. I thought it was hilarious!

jonsblond's avatar

I only posted a thought I had when I read the question. I really don’t care at all about the statue or the statement. What I care about is what’s for dinner.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What a unique question! Well, since you asked, tonight was Frito’s and bean dip. And you?

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