Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you know when you have body odor?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 19th, 2016

I take a shower every other day in general. Today is a shower day. However, I haven’t had the AC on for most of the week and the humidity has been pretty high.
I went to Subway and when I raised my arm to point at something body odor wafted up at me. :O I slammed my arm down and acted like a T-Rex when I picked up my food.

How is it some people seem unaware of their own strong BO?

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6 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Odors are one of those things that people get used to pretty quickly and stop noticing. Consider that smokers don’t notice their odor, people who fart a lot seem inured rather quickly. I remember walking into a friend’s home when I was a kid, and the whole building smelled like boiled cabbage, he didn’t smell a thing. Ever smell a second grade class room about a half hour after lunch recess? Nothing but jid sweat and odor, but the teachers don;t notice.

You’ve just gotten used to your own stink until it got up close and personal.

gondwanalon's avatar

Yes I know when I stink and I take appropriate action to avoid it from happening. Sadly a few people don’t seen to have this ability and or care about their hygiene.

Sat next to a guy on a full airplane from Australia to the Sates who stunk so bad I could hardly breath at first. Had to turn on the overhead air on full and keep my head pointing away from him. He seemed like a nice guy though. But for 16 hours he made my life miserable.

SmashTheState's avatar

If people don’t like the way I smell, they can stand upwind. If I’m going to be in an enclosed space where people can’t escape, like a bus or a meeting, I try to wear my least grimy clothes out of courtesy. Otherwise, feel free to fuck off if you don’t enjoy my musk.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My ex boss had breath so bad I could smell it when I was sitting across a cafeteria table from her. I spent a lot of time holding my breath when talking to her.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yes, I know when I’m not smelling as fresh as I would like! My job is quite active and in the summer the building gets hot and so we always have a stash of deodorant in the staff area. I work in an all girl environment and we’re all quite honest about our own body oders. Many’s the time I’ve heard (and said myself) “don’t come too close, I stink!”

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