General Question

ragingloli's avatar

If humans were laying eggs on a regular basis, like industrial chicken, would it be normal for them to eat their own eggs for breakfast every day?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) August 20th, 2016

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9 Answers

SmashTheState's avatar

Most women don’t drink their own milk, and I’ve only heard of a handful of people who have made their own beer or bread from yeast cultured from their own body – and those were unusual enough to warrant media coverage. I’m told most men have tasted their own semen, but I doubt many of them are gulping it down like slimy Gatorade. If humans laid eggs, I doubt they’d eat them. Besides, if you make a mistake with using a fertilized bird’s egg, you just end up with a few spots of blood in your egg. If you make a mistake with fertilization of your own egg, you turn into Lamia.

(And women do lay eggs. The eggs are just too small to be seen with the naked eye. I have a pagan friend with extremely heavy flows who uses a menstual cup and uses her excreta to fertilize her plants. She says it puts her in contact with the goddess.)

Sneki95's avatar

Would you like to drink your own, or anyone else’s period blood? Because eggs (that we buy in the stores) are kinda like periods of birds….

I know I wouldn’t eat it. I do eat eggs, but eating anything human is simply kind of gross. At least to me.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

I can only pity women who could do such things… Laying eggs will take a lot of energy and produce pain, if the process is involuntary every day those women will start to take hormones to surpress this natural body reaction so there won’t be industrial-like production for eggs every day. Eating your own eggs, regardless of their fertility, will also be considered as cannibalism since eggs, in their physical form, especially produced from human, will be seen as cradle of life by the society. The other reason is that nobody would want to eat eggs every day as breakfast, too boring. However, eating human eggs for the reason of survival would be great advantage for human.

Coloma's avatar

I doubt a human female would consume her own eggs unless, just like birds, something was lacking in her diet but this would be a pretty primitive behavior. I have hens and yes, sometimes they will cannibalize their own eggs. Sometimes it is just behavior/conditioning related but more often it is if they are lacking calcium or other nutrients. It rarely happens as our hens here are free range all day on a large 12 acre property and glean all sorts of extra nutrition aside from their balanced blend of commercial feed.

They get all of the leftover fruit and veggie scraps, peck at the spilled bird seed under my bird feeders, scratch and hunt for bugs, eat wild seeds and grasses, go down to the apple trees and eat the fallen apples which are overloaded at this time. Some species of animals also eat their own poo to glean extra nutrients as well as to help their weanling young to proliferate the right balance of intestinal flora as they transition to an adult diet. Baby rabbits and foals are two that do this.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Sneki95 “Would you like to drink your own, or anyone else’s period blood? Because eggs (that we buy in the stores) are kinda like periods of birds….”

Only if you completely fail to understand the difference between mammalian and avian species.

Sneki95's avatar

Care to explain?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Avians don’t have periods like mammals do.

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