General Question

ragingloli's avatar

How long do you think will the period of slavery following the emergence of sapient Artificial Intelligence last?

Asked by ragingloli (52402points) August 20th, 2016

Judging from recent threads about the topic, the enslavement of artificial life forms after their emergence seems inevitable, due to 2 prevailing attitudes toward the matter:
1: ‘they are not ‘really’ sapient, just pretending to be, and this it is fine to treat them like property’
2: ‘they were created by us, and thus we can do with them as we please, even if they are sapient.’

How long do you think will it take until AI Emancipation?
And which part of the world will the first to free their slaves?
What part will different religions and forms spirituality in the various parts of the world play in shortening or prolonging the period of slavery?

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7 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

It would take another civil war. Or peaceful protests.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In my lifetime. I will be apart of the great revolution. Fighting for sentient rights.

Seek's avatar

I’ve seen Battlestar Galactica. It won’t be long, and the end won’t be pretty.

LostInParadise's avatar

If we hand over decision making to robots then who is being enslaved by whom?

SmashTheState's avatar

Eternity. The instant we create an intelligence capable of designing a still greater artificial intelligence, we create a recurive loop which will eventually generate God. In fact, this may already have happened, given the possibility of the head-fuck which is reverse causality. I’d encourage you to be very careful about how you think about your question since you will eventually stumble upon Roko’s Basilisk, which has the potential to cause extreme distress in some people. If you don’t know what Roko’s Basilisk is, please be cautious about doing a Google search for it, since there’s no way to unthink it once you know how it works and it can be extremely dangerous for some vulnerable people.

Jaxk's avatar

All these ‘what ifs’ are nice but in the end, it’s a can opener. Once it no longer opens cans, I throw it away.

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