What are necessary qualities for being successful in life?
How do you define success in the first place? What qualities are most important for achieving it? Do you consider yourself successful?
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19 Answers
How do you define success? What is your idea of it and have you attained that?
For myself – I’ve survived 39 years on this rock so far. I keep a roof over my head, the lights on, food in the cupboard and clothes on my back. I’d call that success.
True success? When you wake up happy to be alive every day, have never wronged another, don’t lie, cheat, steal or otherwise cause harm, are a cheerful, humorous, easy going type and the rest, money, nice home, fun cars to drive, travel, while all great don’t compensate for a shitty personality and low integrity.
A good personality and integrity is what facilitates success to begin with.
LUCK, hard work, honesty in all your dealings in every field, independence in all its forms and doing what fills you. On your way helping and not hurting and did I mention it? LUCK!
So you think luck plays major role than other factors?
“To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered. – Voltaire
If by success you mean having a lot of money, lots of friends, a comfortable existence, and respect from one’s peers, then you need to be stupid, dishonest, good-looking, shallow, ignorant, selfish, and alternately obsequious to authority while oppressive to anyone who has less money or prestige than you do. It also helps to be white and male, though having enough money is generally enough to buy yourself honourary whiteness and maleness. You should never do or say anything unexpected, which means constantly being aware of what everyone else is doing, saying, and thinking.
@imrainmaker, of course it is not only luck but nobody can convince me that luck is not part of their success. I have seen people toil away, have a positive attitude, do what they had to but without luck their efforts were in vain.
Christopher “Chris” Wilton: The man who said “I’d rather be lucky than good” saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It’s scary to think so much is out of one’s control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn’t, and you lose.
Yup i agree… it is also said that luck favour the brave. So unless you toil hard, take right decisions at the right moments you won’t be successful.
@SmashTheState Sigh…. talk about bias, lordy, but of course, ALL wealthy & successful people are nothing but shallow, egotistical, crush you so I can get mine types. Since when has being able to live a quality lifestyle and enjoy some of the finer things in life become something to be ashamed of, reviled and spat upon? Hard work, education or an entrepreneurial spirit and sacrifice to attain a comfortable lifestyle is nothing to be ashamed of.
I know plenty of very successful people that are also extremely generous, kind, altruistic and down to earth.
To have contempt for successful people is reverse discrimination. Like stereotyping all poor people as shiftless, lazy, stupid, low life peons that don’t want to work and are content to suck off the government teat. Man, that chip on your shoulder must weigh as much as the freaking Rock of Gibraltar. Pffft!
While circumstance certainly plays a role luck is not needed but can make success happen easier and faster. I would equate being successful to being content and happy so it’s different for everyone. Here is my short list of qualities that will almost universally aide in success:
1. The ability to delay gratification
Saving for the future, planning, sacrificing time on the front end. This is the meat and potatoes of being successful.
2. A love for continuous learning
Not only getting formal education but learning trades, DIY and a general curiosity about the world. The more you know the better able you will be to make decisions on just about anything.
3. Thinking conservatively
I’ll catch hell for this here but the key element is don’t just think about what can go right also and especially think about what can go wrong. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks but never,ever…EVER take uncalculated ones. Stick to tried and true methods, investments and career paths.
4. Be true to yourself
Cliche’ perhaps but don’t become a doctor or chef because it’s what you are expected to do find a career that you want to do. There is usually a way to both find something you enjoy that will make you a living as well. If you are one of the lucky few who has a passion for something then don’t be afraid to pursue it, even if it’s something like weaving baskets. That said realize that if you can’t make it work you will need to do something else.
5. Find a good career.
This goes without saying, yes you MUST have this and the fact that so many don’t bother with it explains why so much is wrong in America. A job will find you but you have to do work to find a career.
6. Don’t be afraid of change
If a career is not working out or is not making you happy don’t think twice about jumping ship. I know many people struggling for just this reason alone. If you can’t find good work or happiness where you live then MOVE and keep looking for it.
7. Hold integrity in high regard
Don’t screw over others, keep a good attitude and work ethic, be honest. Avoid and actively remove influences and people that compromise your integrity.
8. Self Reliance
Almost for got about this but if you constantly need to rely on others you will constantly fail. It’s important to learn and build on experience from others but they will not always be there to lead you to water. You are not entitled to their help.
Don’t be a douche and don’t define your own success.
I consider myself to be successful because I made my way through life without needing to step on others on my way.
I am not rich, but I am self sufficient and have everything I need.
I have always worked hard and played hard.
I love and live my life to the best of my ability and try to help those around me when I can.
I continue to learn and never think I’ve learned enough.
I live to make my life count for me and those I love, I am loved.
I surround myself with people who are kind and compassionate so it is easy for be to be the same.
I am not perfect, but I am the perfect me and I have no need or desire to meet anyone else’s idea of success.
One man’s success is another man’s failure.
Be honest with any and all people. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Study hard in school, learn what is it you want to do with your life, what you want to be, and attend college. Don’t focus all of your attention on the opposite sex. As for children, have none or no more than two.
@kritiper sometimes you can work your butt off but circumstances can send you in the wrong direction.
Voltaire also said that “we must tend our own garden.”
Having a garden to tend, being able to tend it and then actually doing the tending of it and enjoying the result … that’s a kind of success.
@CWOTUS I think you came the closest to the whole point!
Charm yourself into the pants or wallet of anyone you wish.
I was successful today.
I made one of the horses here, a grizzled old Applaloosa named ” Cayuse” very happy.
He is being treated for penis sheath cancer that has, possibly, spread to his belly area ( a new swelling and the vet is still not sure what is going on ) and a bad eye infection because his immune system is compromised. He has had a hard life of neglect and was abandoned by his owners and left at a boarding facility and now he is “retired” here.
I made him very happy when I put his eye medicine in that makes him feel much better, took his fly mask off for a few hours, fed him some delicious apples and rubbed his face and loved on him.
He laid his big old boney head across my shoulder and closed his eyes and we just breathed together with love. This might be his last year and the old gray guy is going out with loads of love.
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