Social Question

Canadian jellies, how are you feeling after the CBC broadcast of the Hip's final show?
For many of us, The Tragically Hip is a band that embodies the spirit and history and, well, geography of Canada. Name a Canadian place, and there’s probably a Hip song about it. Earlier this year, lead singer Gord Downie was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, and so the band has been on its final tour this summer, leaving a trail of broken hearts in its wake.
Tonight, CBC aired the last of these concerts, a 3-hour show in their hometown of Kingston. They opened with classic rocker 50 Mission Cap and closed with the contemplative Ahead by a Century. This is what the small town of Kingston looked like tonight. PM Justin Trudeau was in the audience wearing his own Hip t-shirt, because that’s just how Canadians roll.
Sadly, there won’t be a rebroadcast of the show, though I suspect there are a number of YouTube clips to be had if you check.
My Facebook feed has been an outpouring of thoughts and reminiscences about the Hip, and I wondered if anyone wanted to share some of their thoughts here, or if any of you Americans have been wondering what the heck we’ve been so emotional about today.
Anyone wishing to donate funds to combat brain cancer can visit the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research.