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JLeslie's avatar

Do you think there finally will be an end to the conflict in Colombia?

Asked by JLeslie (65977points) August 26th, 2016 from iPhone

I read the below in Daily Chatter.

Negotiators from the Colombian government and the FARC rebel group said they reached a final peace deal this week that ends the five-decades-old insurgency in Colombia, one of the world’s longest running conflicts.

It still needs to be finalized, but I just wondered what you’ve heard, and if this gives you hope for peace in more places around the world.

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5 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does it matter? Seriously, they have been fighting in one way or another for 40+ years. Two generations. The world has paid minimal attention to this over the years. So it ends .. so what? Did either side ‘win’? Or did they just get tired out.

no, I don’t see this as a harbinger of peace for the whole world – I see this as an aberration and that it means nothing at all. The modus operandi for the rest of the world (Sudan, israel, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, Korea, Kurdistan, Chechen, you name it) is that both sides stand to gain when the fighting continues, because it keeps them employed and busy.

So this event in Colombia adds up to a huge “so what”. Even a BFD.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Most wars in that region have some ties to either large scale drug cartels, and /or government corruption, fed by those cartels. As long as there is a demand for illegal drugs in the USA, there will be problems in Central, and South America.

If America could find d an answer to drugs (like legalization of all of them) it would stop not only drug related violence in South and Central America, but in the US itself…

jca's avatar

I think if people grew up and were raised hating each other (hating other groups) and focusing their thoughts and energy on that hatred, it’s very hard to all of a sudden say “Ok, we’re friends now” and thing that all of that focus and energy and hatred is just going to go away.

cazzie's avatar

It matters a great deal to the people who live there, yes. @elbanditoroso . I have family there, and you sound like you are talking out of a hole in your head. I saw my relative just yesterday, but we didn’t talk about this subject, we talked about the fact it was her sisters birthday and how old she would have been if she hadn’t died so young of Lupus. My relative is part of an organisation here in Europe that works towards bringing people together at events, art public art projects and things to make them aware of what is going on in South American countries and to get governments here in Europe to take notice of social injustice and effects of civil wars and rebellion fighting. She still has many siblings and nieces and nephews etc in Bogata. These things matter very much to her.

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