General Question

imrainmaker's avatar

Is swearing old fashion now?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) August 27th, 2016

Do you still use swear word in conversation or not anymore? What would you think of person who swears a lot?

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24 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Fuck no! LOL
I, very rarely, swear in the company of others, maybe my adult daughter or a friend or two, and not a whole lot in general, but yep, when I experience something highly annoying I might let loose, ( mostly by myself ) with a rousing “Fuck!, Goddamn it! or Shit!” haha
Those that swear chronically need to broaden their vocabulary and do a self check on their bad habit.

PriceisRightx26's avatar

I swear quite a bit, as do most of the people that I know. It doesn’t bother me at all. There are about a million other things to be offended by than words that simply provide emphasis.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I don’t swear much around strangers unless I feel the need to be threatening. In polite conversation, it can sometimes freak them out and give them the wrong impression, so I keep it clean. But I do use these words for emphasis sometimes around people I know. English is a great language and I believe in using all its words appropriately. When it comes to my friends, I’m with @PriceisRightx26

I don’t know what the “fashion” is in the States, but down here, especially among sailors, anything goes—in five different languages.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It depends on who I’m around and the context but if my posts are any indication…I think it is an underestimated necessity of our language. When people will open up and swear around me I can’t help but think they are comfortable and trust being around me, that they are confident and down to earth. Nothing is more annoying than people being uptight and on guard around me. I also have a hard time trusting them. I’m too old to put up with goody two shoes nonsense. If someone is offended by swear words I simply don’t fucking want to be around them. That said cussing like a sailor, dropping the f-bomb every other sentance just shows poor class. You need to use swear words elegantly so they have good effect.

ragingloli's avatar

I am swearing all the time at work. It lowers my stress levels.

zenvelo's avatar

We had to “outlaw” it at work. :(

In the late nineties we went through some Department of Justice review regarding people intimidating competitors, and one form of the intimidation that was cited was swearing. It took a lot of the fun out of my work.

anniereborn's avatar

If it is, I am an oldie but a goody.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I only swear around a few close friends. When I hear it from a stranger, my estimation of them drops many notches.

tinyfaery's avatar

Nope. Kids still cuss.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Can’t say.

However using the term “Old fashion” when one means “Old fashioned” is apparently in fashion.

It’s your language, your words, insist on them in their entirety.

ibstubro's avatar

I have a swearing rule: “The madder I am, the less likely I am to swear.”
It gives people legitimate (religious) opportunity to dismiss or derail your argument. I will be forceful (speak in a loud voice) or emphatic (yell), but not curse.

Unfortunately, I’ve recently written an exception to the rule. If “forceful” and “emphatic” don’t work? I may start screaming the “F” word as emphasis for every other word I say.

It’s cathartic.

BellaB's avatar

I save swearing for when I need to make an impression. Combined with my appearance, my rare use of swearing means that people pay attention when I do let loose.

Casual swearing feels lazy to me.

ibstubro's avatar

I love the base, cathartic, primal feel of a truly profane tirade. Where I randomly attach the F word to other words just because I can.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t cuss…well very, very rarely….when my kids were little. My parents didn’t cuss around us when we were growing up.
I cuss a bit more now, but it’s something I kind of have to force.

ibstubro's avatar

Today I was walking in Walmart and there was a fan stopped right outside the front door. A youngish woman was standing there and a young boy (first grade-ish) went running and said something I didn’t here. The woman says, good naturedly, “Yeah, I saw you, you little fucker!” There was a man behind me and as we walked into the store, I said to him, “White trash family moment!” He said, ”Yeah. Sheesh, I heard what she called him.”

I don’t know about old fashioned, but cursing can certainly be low fashioned.

Coloma's avatar

@ibstubro I never swore or name called my daughter, I agree, how low can you go?
I knew this woman once, the way she talked to her kids made me shiver, I was beyond appalled. I didn’t stay friends with her for long, that’s for sure.

jca's avatar

I will swear in front of people I know. I won’t usually swear in front of strangers (strangers that I may be conversing with) because I try not to offend people and if I don’t know them, I don’t know if it will offend them.

My daughter has twin friends (or former friends) and their mom told me sometimes she tells them “Shut the fuck up.” I never talk like that to my daughter.

ibstubro's avatar

English translation (for Gail’s sake):
“Today I was walking into Walmart and there was a van stopped right outside the front door. A youngish woman was standing there and a young boy (first grade-ish) went running and said something I didn’t hear.”

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Swearing around your kids is what being trailer trash is all about. We have our share in Tennessee.

Sneki95's avatar

I do swear, and many I know do as well.

I don’t, however, like people that swear all the time. It butchers the language and makes one seem like an uncultured peasant. Swearing from time to time, like when one is angry, is ok, but if every second word of yours is “fuck”, you need to read a book, dude.

My swearing usually consists of a few curse words, but I am not creative in cursing and I don’t do it all the time. I am actually kind of disgusted upon hearing someone swearing like a sailor.

ibstubro's avatar

Personally, if you hear more than one curse word in a sentence from my mouth? Slip has been replaced by pissed.
I can make a sailor blush, but I have to be provoked.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I can not use profanity to the strongest comedic effect if I use it frequently.

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