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LuckyGuy's avatar

Should I season the bottom of the Cooking Griddle as well as the top?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) August 28th, 2016

I just bought an outdoor 36” Griddle Cooking Station. (Like this one )
The instructions are clear about how to season the griddle. BUT they only talk about seasoning the cooking surface. They say nothing about the underside, even though it is the same metal.

Should I do something with the underside and sides to prevent rust? I want this to last.
I am considering spray painting the underside with black, VHT Flame Proof Header Paint to make a Silica and Ceramic coating with an operating temperature of 1300–2000F, (1000C).
If I do spray it, I will follow all the procedures for curing the paint as well as the seasoning process.
Is that OK? Are there any downsides?

Sicne this is in Social—- What should I cook on it?

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8 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Here are my thoughts – not an expert, thinking out loud, throwing out ideas for consideration.

The paint seems overly complicated.

From my experience with cast iron pans I would say season it top and bottom. Use a very light thin coat of oil on the bottom.

And no big deal if you don’t like the results or it rusts later. Clean it with steel wool/wire brush on a drill/whatever and start over.

I worked for a blacksmith for a while making decorative iron. We would coat the items with linseed oil and bake it on with an open flame. It made a nice hard flat black finish.

kritiper's avatar

No, only the cooking surface. When you clean it, don’t use detergent and dry immediately.
Cook everything on it. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, pancakes, hamburgers, steak, pork chops. Fry your eggs in the puddle of bacon grease, slosh the hot grease over the eggs for “over easy” eggs. Reduce bacon grease to a film for pancakes and hash browns, or anything else.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thanks @Call_Me_Jay @kritiper . Reasonable advice for a reasonable person. But….
I couldn’t stand it. I’m an engineer and can’t leave well enough alone. I sprayed the sides and bottom with the 2000 deg F, Silica/Ceramic coating. 1000 years from now we’ll see if it makes a difference. It does look pretty though.

(Yikes! That stuff is expensive!)

kritiper's avatar

You may still have to season it with food type grease, like bacon, if you don’t want the food cooked to stick.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I will season the cooking surface with oil and grease as suggested by the manufacturer. The bottom and sides that don’t come in contact with the food will be coasted with Silica /Ceramic.
I probably have the only one on the planet like this.

CWOTUS's avatar

I have no comment on your painting and seasoning practice or procedure. However, I would advise that you stop using the term “deg” when you mean °. It’s Alt-248 (on the numeric keypad), or better yet, you can use AutoHotKeys (available free at to program the keys to type the symbol when you type whatever key combination you want to stand for it.

I guess I do have a comment after all: the painting and extra seasoning is just overkill. Even untreated, that surface will last longer than your grandchildren, if they elect to keep and use the thing – which is probably unlikely these days. That’s not “engineering”; that’s obsession. Engineers are already looked at askance in many circles. Don’t hang this baggage on them. You know what I mean.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@CWOTUS I tend to type quickly dislike slowing down. Most of the time I’m using a laptop. I have tried the alt-248 and get this ” ” nothing. Then I tried alt Fn… and got moved to another question. And then I give up. I’d really like to just use K, Kelvin but that would confuse people so I just write F or C and sometimes deg. It is like saying “ATM machine” or “Hot water Heater”. I know it is incorrect and/or redundant but everyone understands it.
I’ll look into the hotkey program. I don’t usually add those widgets since they are computer specific – and I don’t like to give any software access to my operating system.

By the way, I had a 50 gallon water heater installed and asked the plumber what he calls it.
“It’s a hot water heater” or a “water tank”.
“Your water tank is leaking. You need a new hot water heater. You need to pay me $1000.”
(I added the last part.)

CWOTUS's avatar

Hmm… okay. (You do know, though, that if you use the Alt-Fn combination that you need to use the number keys that are (not always, and not very well) superimposed on the alphanumeric keys, right? That is, the Fn 2–4-8 on my laptop keyboard is Fn k-u-8.

I think you’ll enjoy AutoHotKey. I’ve been using it for years across a variety of computers, and except for the fact that I’m still on the toe of the learning curve, it’s been generally awesome. And free. (I didn’t fail to mention that, did I?)

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