Who here has a dartboard somewhere in their home & how often do you play?
Asked by
ucme (
September 1st, 2016
Are you any good?
What is your favourite, most often hit double?
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17 Answers
Lost my dartboard when I got married and moved into a house. The ex didn’t like it. Still have my darts, though, with the Scottish flag flights. Haven’t played in over a year.
My brother had one at home some moons ago. At first he used to play often with friends when it was new and “fresh”. Now it is no longer used or remembered.
I used to play in a league and was up there with the best. I prefer to play on bristle boards and 301 is my favorite game but will often play team doubles cricket. It wasn’t often but I have a few triple doubles under my belt and have Robin Hooded a few darts along the way. Now all I play is electronic darts occasionally in my basement man cave.
Used to when I was a kid. Played all the time. The fun part was when you’d throw the dart and it would rebound back at you a stab the floor near your feet. One even landed right between my big toe and the toe next to it. That was cool.
I was OK, but have no idea how many doubles I’ve hit.
I have a dart board but it is no longer hung up. I had it hanging on a wall in my unfinished basement in front of 2 inches of pressed insulation board.
I took it down when one of my kids threw a wild shot and a dart got stuck in a copper bathroom drain pipe. Fortunately it was easy to solder the hole closed.
Nope. I’m a left handed wonder, anything I throw , god only knows where it might land. Left handed blondes should never be given sharp objects to throw across rooms. lol
We have one – somewhere – I think it’s in the container. We have a container with our kids furniture and non-used ‘stuff’ in. I think it’s in there. So we don’t play and haven’t for ages. I’m having a pergola put up, so once that’s done, I might find a space on an outside wall so we can play darts occasionally.
We have a Velcro type dart board with Velcro darts.
I don’t but my parents do in their garage. They have a great time playing when guests come over.
One of the managers at work has a board hung in his office. But I’ve never seen him play, and I know just from a glance that he doesn’t play there anyway, and that the board is just for show. (No mark on the floor.)
I just bought a new board the other day and we plan to play this weekend. Jon and I are pretty competitive with each other. Our games are usually very close with one of us up by a few points or both of us just needing that last bullseye.
Cheers peeps, nice to know there are a few other dartists on here
I have a winmau bristle board in a cabinet complete with built in chalkboard, had to put some carpet around the wall for newbs whose aim was not so good.
Love a game of darts especially when a small wager is on the game, game on bud.
I bought a dartboard at a thrift shop many years ago. I had great plans to use it in the basement and sort of decorate the area with other vintage game things. I lost interest in the whole project when I started having dogs in my life – walking and training dogs took over completely.
I used to go to the Legion occasionally to play. Haven’t done that lately either. That is more easily remedied than decorating.
I grew up in a house with a dartboard and a pool table in the basement. I played pool more often as a kid, but I do miss the darts now and then. I’m in an apartment now, so it would probably be a bad idea.
My husband has a pool table. The whole rumpus room was designed around that coming home from his workshop. It’s been a few years. It should be coming home soon I think.
I have a dart board at regulation height in my ‘office’ with a tape on the floor at regulation distance just outside the office. We play a version of cricket.
Years ago when my friend needed to catch a train, we decided to forego keeping track of points to save time. So we simply hit three each of 15–16…20-cork => pointless cricket. First one to close all the targets wins, no points to consider.
Because it’s easier to score this way under the influence of tequilla, pointless cricket is the house game now.
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