Did my DIL's college instructor misspeak when he called this assignment a "thesis"?
She is taking a beginning level comp course at a Community College. Their first day the instructor told them they would be writing three essays describing things using each of the senses in turn, sight, sound and touch.
My DIL says they are “thesis’.” I’m certain that has to be the term her teacher used because she doesn’t have a great vocabulary (yet) and I don’t think she could come up with that term on her own.
Would you call those assignments “thesis’?”
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10 Answers
Thesis can mean a paper where the author, is proving a supposition or theory.
It doesn’t have to mean a Doctoral Thesis.
I don’t understand how writing about things from the viewpoint of your senses would be a supposition or a theory. It would be just an opinion, right? Can a thesis be an opinion?
A “thesis” is a form of essay in which a statement is put forward to as a premise to be maintained or proved.
It isn’t a scientific method verification; it is an argument that is maintained through the essay.
In a beginning level comp class, they would be learning to make a thesis statement and then how to write to support the thesis statement.
Oh, that makes sense. I remember doing that too…but I don’t recall that they said it was a “thesis statement,” just a “summary.” Thanks @zenvelo.
I remember doing this in writing 121.
It was generally something like a intro paragraph that would include your thesis statement.
So lets say your first paragraph is something like this:
Some introductory info about WW2 and in that you would include your thesis which could be something like ”The United States prolonged WW2 by dropping a atomic weapon on Nagasaki.” <- Your thesis statement.
Then you fill space with paragraphs supporting your thesis until you hit the required word count.
Then you have a beer and write a bullshit conclusion that is a paragraph.
One writing assignment can be a thesis.
More than one are theses.
So it’d be “This thesis…”; or “These theses…”
It would depend on what the definition of thesis is, or what the definition of theses are.
They are essays or research papers. A thesis is a work that reflects the author’s mastery of a subject or a specific body of knowledge. A dissertation involves an original idea or proves something that has not yet been proven though suspected and theorized. This is what I was taught in college. Today people use the terms interchangeably which I find to be incorrect. It’s one of those things where people couldn’t seem to grasp the difference so society decided there would be none. It is not the first time.
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