Meta Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is Fluther Broken?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31562points) September 1st, 2016

RedDeerGuy1 asked a question BUT I can’t open it.

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28 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I keep getting redirected too.

I thought it might be in morse code.

Brian1946's avatar

I don’t think Fluther’s broken.

For some reason the ellipsis in his question wasn’t included in the address:

When I edited the address to include the ellipsis, I was directed to his question:

It could be that the question script won’t include pure punctuation, or it’s an isolated glitch.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I can’t open it too. It’s just… dots. I asked if Fluther has a muster point in case of disaster. It was a duplicate question. It edited it to. ...

Cruiser's avatar

Looks like we are entering the construction zone…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Please flag my… question.

YARNLADY's avatar

The question from @RedDeerGuy1 is actually the message from outer space he was talking about.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ok I deleted it. Thanks mods. It wouldn’t let me change it. I’m ok and had some beef and broccoli.

Mariah's avatar

Sorry looks like it’s a bug caused by having no alphanumeric characters in the title. I can write a fix soon.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Mariah Yes. Thanks your the best.

CWOTUS's avatar

No, you’re the best.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m sure @RedDeerGuy1 will appreciate the compliment. ;-)

Strauss's avatar

That’s what it was! Not enough beef and broccoli!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all thanks I am going to bed soon.

Strauss's avatar

@RedDeerGuy Goodnight and pleasant dreams!

Coloma's avatar

Yesterday I had a moment I had never experienced before. I was trying to post an answer and every time I hit the “answer” button my response just disappeared. It took about 4 tries and then, all of a sudden, it showed up. That was a bizarre first. haha

Kardamom's avatar

Good night John Boy and @RedDeerGuy1 .

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Mariah It looks like old questions with ”...” in the title or the details are now showing up as new “Questions for you”. Although… I actually would expect more questions to have ended up there if it were pulling all such questions. Could this be a result of the fix you were working on?

Mariah's avatar

I have not started on the fix yet.

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dappled_leaves's avatar

@Mariah It’s weird, the first three I opened all had the ”...” which made me think that was the issue, but then there were several other old ones that didn’t, so who knows!

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanks to all for responding and to the wizards of Fluther !

Cruiser's avatar

Seriously how hard do the staff and mods have to work here?? Busted their asses on the site all morning and they have to come back and then mod more shit on top of it??? Waitress! Get these people a cold one on me.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Shot and a beer !

Strauss's avatar

and another shot! And another beer!

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