How did you find Fluther?
I know this question might have been asked earlier but wanted to know from the current lot. Majority of the first time questions I see are related to relationship / break-ups etc. So what was the reason in your case that landed you here?
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25 Answers
I came to this site through a recommendation on another site. Before that I had a bad rap with Yahoo!Answer and needed to find an alternative. I was searching for a Q&A site when the site offered a thread that mentioned this site. I went here initially to ask for some music (my first question had a link. Luckily I didn’t get modded) and when I got my answer I stayed for a while just to craft random answers and get the awards, but I wasn’t emotionally attached to the site like I do now. It was just another Q&A site back then. Then an exam came, and I was inactive for 3 months. I thought I would never return, but then I just did. And one day a jelly called my name in a thread. That was when I realized that people here at least cared for what others had to say. I decided to stay for longer and now here I am. Fluther has played a majoy part in my growing up. I’m a much different person in just 3 years, something I don’t think people my age have achieved.
This question is asked at least once every six months.
I had fleas in the house from my cats and I was looking for how to get rid of the fleas, and also learning about flea life cycles, flea gestational periods, what worked for other people as far as eradicating fleas, fleas’ habits, all about fleas. On or about the third page of my google search, I came upon a Fluther post. I joined quickly so I could talk about my experiences.
In those days, 2007 when I joined, it was Gail and a few others, some that are still here, some that are not. So I’ve been here 9 years. I’m one of the earliest remaining Jellies, if I said that properly.
I washed in on the Answerbag escape wave in 2009. They dramatically changed the format of their site, and lots of us didn’t like it.
Fluther was a warm and welcoming new home.
I’d found Answerbag when googling hairstyles for Pentecostal women, and came across a question asking why Pentecostal women don’t cut their hair. I made an account to answer it, and stuck around for a few years.
I followed @Seek with many others in the second tsunami wave of disenfranchised AB’rs in 2009. I found Fluther’s welcome here less than warm and still bear the scars of frequent and relentless modding and equal push back from the resident collective which often created an us and them atmosphere which also created some wild moments of discourse here if you can call it that. I kinda miss it actually. ;)
I was researching spiders. I observe them, and many other animals in my spare time. I think I Googled ‘What do spiders think about?’ Or something like that, and it led me to a thread on Fluther. I know it was intended as a Q &A site, but I use it as a debate forum…
There’s a fairly rich tapestry of wisdom,and opinion here.
I’m glad they allow me here.
Refugee from the Askville collapse of October 2013
Like @stanleybmanly I too am a Askville refugee, I tried other Q+A sites but seem to like flutter the best even at times when the mods can seem overly anal on punctuation and even how some questions are worded.
Just so you know this is the same avatar I used on Askville a photo Mrs Squeeky took of a sunset behind our house here in B.C
2009, with a bunch of other folks who had been e-homeless for a couple of years after the demise of AiROW (Am I Right Or Wrong). I may not have found Fluther if not for the fact that my fellow former AiROW user, @Fyrius, was connected with me on deviantART and he sent me a message saying that a bunch of them were here now. Very few other AiROWians still visit here.
My dog had died and I was thinking of getting another one so I googled dog names. I found a question on Fluther about dog names. I lurked for a couple of weeks before I actually joined in the questions and answers. This was in August of 2008.
Was talljasperman on answerbag in 2009 THE GREAT refugees influx. I was on both sites until Answerbag completely self destroyed itself and closed shop. I went through the blog and it had a link to Fluther.
I came here to answer a question about cradle shaped hot dog buns. I googled for “U” shaped and found the Question on here. More research I found “Toufayan Snuggles” as the buns I remembered from my childhood.
A couple of months ago, someone busted a newbie at another Q/A type site for asking the same question at a number of sites. I followed a few of the links to see what was going on.
I liked the comparatively mellow vibe here and have been dropping in regularly since. Discovered a friend was also here and Setanta came along with me for a look-see
Way back when (2009) There used to be a Fluther App available for IOS. Since it was free, I downloaded it and tried it out.
The App wasn’t that functional but the Fluther community was and I was just so glad to find a site where good writing was valued (unlike most of the rest of the Internet) that I stuck around.
I was pointed to it by someone.
I did not. Fluther found me.
In May 2008, on a dark and stormy night, there was an unexpected knock at my door. “Rethulf”, moaned a voice from the other side…“Rrreethullfff!!”
I tried to run, but the door exploded. Revealed in the mist was a giant monster with two heads and ten fingers on each hand. “Join Fluther!!” The monster bellowed pointing a calloused finger at me. Squinting, I could make out a tag stuck to his tattered Tim Berners Lee tee shirt. “HELLO, My Name is Bendrew” it read.
”Join Fluther…or…I’ll…be…back!” the creature bellowed again as he shambled into the night.
And so I did. And never regretted it.
Web surfing in a let lag haze after returning from Asia in March of 2010. I have no idea what linked me here but once I found Fluther I was totally addicted, still am, 6.5 years later.
I read about it on the Peterman’s Eye, a daily site with an article or thought posted, with an active discussion group.
I had an idea for a creative writing project and asked a question about the smells, sights and so on of demolition sites. A great former jelly had lots of ideas to share. I was hooked.
I’ve been posting on internet forums for years. I was on Able2Know for a year or two, when the US elections thang came in. The left side of the board soon plunged into such a swirl of negativity (Clintonians visceraly hating Bernians, and some vice versa) that I had to seek refuge somewhere else.
A2K was a bit like here: small community, with a feeling that it’s permanently on the verge of dying out, but more bitter and narrow-minded than here, with very old enemities still brewing and all. This place is much more polite.
Searching for websites that are like Quora, but not Quora, so I can ask questions in a different “space”. ie, not have searches on one space come up in another; to have some measure of privacy. Facebook has some privacy controls, allowing you to have different circles of friends; Quora doesn’t.
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