Is Daniel Craig the best Bond ever?
Asked by
Cruiser (
September 5th, 2016
Apparently the franchise thinks he is good….good enough to wave 150 million to continue as James Bond for 2 more movies. After his last outing as Bond, Mr Craig said he would rather slit his wrists than to play Bond ever again.
Will he say no….slit his wrists or take the money and laugh all the way to the bank.
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33 Answers
Hard to top Connery so almost.
Craig is very good as Bond but the appeal of his films has much to do with the reboot.
The sexual tension between Judi Dench’s M and her caged tiger Bond is palpable.
Q is now rightly a kid tech genius.
What plagues the franchise still hasn’t really changed as great actors aren’t enough to give us the ultimate supervillan badass anymore.
No. Connery was the best, by far.
Moore was OK.
lazenby sucked.
Craig, not even in the running. Bland, no personality at all.
Timothy Dalton was OK
Brosnan was awful.
Yes, Daniel Craig is the best. Sean Connery was good, too.
Moore was OK? He couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
Brosnan was much the victim of poor scripts, it’s not his fault the series was on it’s last legs by the time he was free to take the role.
Dalton. It’s also not his fault that the stories were deflated by the time he considered himself old enough to be taken seriously as the character.
No Sean Connery was, hands down. He is hot!
^ Connery is awesome.
“Suck it Trebek!”
Please, everyone knows that Mike Myers is the best Bond.
Better question is who will be the next Bond?
Nope. Sean Connery all the way. In fact, I completely agree with @elbanditoroso. Well, almost. Moore was passable, anyway.
A couple of years ago my husband and I tried to do a Netflix rewatch of all the Bond movies, but we couldn’t get through them. Gahh. What were we thinking?
David Oyelowo is the next Bond.
Sorry my money is on Connery for the best Bond followed by Craig, then Brosnan, Moore wasn’t bad and didn’t like Dalton at all.
Chris Hemsworth might be the next bond. Yes the guy who plays Thor in the Avengers.
Would be hard to beat Sean Connery as Bond in “You Only Live Twice.”
I think Chris Hemsworth is too big already.
James Bond is like Star Wars – they don’t need big-name actors. They make big-name actors.
@Call_Me_Jay, Chris Hemsworth would be a very yummy Bond though. Or Liam.
Craig is a good Bond. His pout always irritated me though, and he always seemed so miserable. Connery was great. The rest were okay. I agree with those who have mentioned the limitations of the script. Moore was almost a spoofy Bond. You also forgot David Niven.
I haven’t enjoyed any of the Craig films, so… meh.
Call me when they get their shit together and hire Idris Elba.
Idris Elba would also be a fabulous Bond. I totally agree with you @Seek.
Idris Elba is too far in his career.
David Oyelowo is the next Bond.
He has the charm and the accent (video). He looks good shirtless with a gun.
A Black James Bond???? Eh why not, I would watch it.
No, the best was Connery.
I think Craig plays a good Bond, but I don’t much like the writing of Craig’s films, and especially not the frequently-ridiculous action choreography, alternating with gritty violence – I really hate that, even more than I hate the annoying situation where MI6 is always lame, infested and not supporting its agents, and so on.
Okay, so it’s like this, Craig is the best Bond so far because he plays him true to how Fleming originally intended, a brooding, selfish, visciously violent cunt.
Connery thought he was slick when in reality he played him as a cheesy, clumsy cliche, Moore gave Bond character & appeared in some of the best Bond films in terms of humour & over the top cartoon style plots.
Lazenby/Dalton/Brosnan just don’t count & you’re all wrong, the next Bond should & will be Tom Hardy, ideal casting for a mix of a modern & traditional portrayal.
Pierce Brosnan, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge….wowee!) The Best. Then Roger Moore The Best 2.1. They both understood the tongue-in-cheek of Bond. Could’ve done without the man who hits women, he never appealed. Daniel Craig? Too, too cold, he fit in Girl W/Dragon Tat. character better. Timothy Dalton didn’t seem to fit the role. Tom Hiddleston is said to be well in the running next. It will be interesting to find out what the next storyline will be, (singular movie storyline.) The bigger spider web story is lobe-burning at it’s easiest points. The last two films really were tough to plug into the ongoing long term story. Aspirin, please! Still prefer the older organizational figures better. Judy Dench, The first Moneypenny, Q (a fave.) And the spectacular settings have tamed up a bit also, sadly. Anticipation!
“Craig is the best Bond so far because he plays him true to how Fleming originally intended, a brooding, selfish, viciously violent cunt.”
@ucme gets it.
Bond is supposed to be a king of pain, nobody’sman with a sleek veneer.
I’m with @SecondHandStoke and @ucme
Craig’s Bond was the closest to the book Bond by far. And I loved his performance.
My top 3 Bonds are as follows: Craig, Connery, Dalton. Moore I thought started off strong but the movies leading up to – and including – the end of his time as bond, well, I usually find myself nodding off.
Brosnan was entertaining when I was a child. Now, his films feel childish to me.
Bah. James Bond wishes he was Solid Snake.
Has Bond ever defeated a Cyborg Ninja?
He’s the first Bond that I didn’t find to be a total asshole.
@ragingloli Has a Cyborg Ninja ever defeated Bond or even Batman for that matter? ~ ;)
Best to worst:
It might be unfair to rate Moore so low, and he was certainly hurt by the silliness the franchise fell into.
Of the 25 or whatever Bond movies, 4 of the top 5 are Connery.
@filmfann, I’m amazed that you’d rate anyone below Lazenby. He was so appallingly bad that you couldn’t even laugh. They’d have done better to cast a fire plug.
@Jeruba As bad as Lazenby was, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service was one of the best non-Connery Bond films, thanks to Mrs. Peel Olenna Tyrell Diana Rigg.
My best to worst is-
Sean Connery
Timothy Dalton
George Lazenby
Terrence Cooper
Roger Moore
David Niven
Pierce Brosnan
Barry Nelson
Daniel Craig
Woody Allen
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