Damn! That’s a shame, @cookieman. Chill.
Never seen that before, @Call_Me_Jay. I think Mick was tripping. I can’t believe he could hit those licks sitting down! David Frost introducing the Stones is funnier than Ed Sullivan! But, I ache with you. Not all over, but, maybe, 30% of my body.
My mind is still acting out like a teenager!
I couldn’t have done better for you, myself, @SQUEEKY2.
GREAT video, @SmashTheState! Thanks. It was fun, avant-garde, and too self aware at the same time.
Okay, @msh. Where do you find purple people to eat?
Damn, @ragingloli. I was expecting something throatier. They had a song I l liked a lot. Back in my day.
Are you a musician, @anniereborn? That’s a beautiful song.
Thanks, @olivier5. Enjoy!