First let me point out that Tibet has been apart of China since 13th century (sorry I can’t do the cool direct link with words:
China has repeatedly crushed the civil rights of Tibetans (with an a).
It’s going to take me time to dig up more resources because every writer is afraid to right anything even resembling how China has helped Tibet but they have
No, but we support a free country with the the right to do as they please in regards to setting up an economy and political system that works for them. I’m not a fan of powerful countries telling less powerful countries how to run their country.
I totally support a country having the right to decide their own fate and way of life but some countries are ruled by evil dictators that relish in HUMAN injustices that should not be allowed. I will not support any government that openly allows slavery of it’s people . Honestly I think it is a miracle how the Dalia Lama has convinced the world he is such a saint – truth is if he ran the country the way he wanted we would all be criticizing him.
“Tibetans are exempt from government taxation, and the Beijing government provides 90% of the Tibetan regional government’s operating expenditures.”
I didn’t copy and paste from Wikipedia – I copy and slightly altered from Agtam’s site (I posted the link twice not going to spam it). I copy and pasted since no one clicks and reads the article so I have to take out key points and put in here or no one will read and that guy writes better then me and understands the situation better than any of the people here.
Take a look at this link. The “economic growth” comes from Beijing, not locally. When economic changes come from outside of the local area, polarization occurs. Didn’t you complain about “an extreme poor and rich with little to no middle class” earlier?
That link you gave goes to a site that is extremely anti chinese. It reminds me of reading the huffington post about something positive about republicans (I’m a libertarian btw not a republican…) I’m sorry but after reading a few articles I think the site is too bias for me to consider a creditable source.
The Han immigrants are what is crushing the culture of Tibet. They are carted in my the government and enabled to be prosperous and successful so that they can spread their Chinese culture. This is one of the gravest injustices being committed in Tibet right now. The Chinese government is literally sending representatives to change the local culture of Tibet. The sooner the influence of the Han residents subsides, the better chance Tibet has to reclaim its identity.
This is something that I don’t know much about but I will do some research. I hear what the left wing college kids say about this but honestly they often fail to see the greater good of somethings. They remind me of the super do gooder in movies that saves the one innocent child from being crushed by a boulder only to throw it and kill half of a city block. Sometimes government’s do have to think of the greater good of all it’s people which does sometimes mean hard times for some people in the short term.
The main point I wanted to get across was Tibet wasn’t that great of a country before. The whole country was run by a religious dictatorship and the people were not happy. I think you need a facebook to see this but here’s your “peaceful monks”: