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mrjadkins's avatar

Which words do you find misspelled the most often?

Asked by mrjadkins (1256points) August 2nd, 2008

Maybe it bothers you to see words misspelled. Maybe a few times, you have misspelled a few yourself. But what words are the ones that stick out as constantly misspelled in written form in your life?

Honestly, I have trouble spelling the word “restaurant”. I have to look it up or ask at times.

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44 Answers

rockstar's avatar

I have always had problems with surprise and tomorrow. Not sure why just have. Oh and field is another one.

marinelife's avatar

Here? Look for Gailcalled’s treatise on definitely. In the world at large? An endless stream of words.

One that drives me nuts is probably more of a misuse than a misspelling: saying something complements something else (as in goes with), but spelling it compliment (saying something nice about someone).

Another one that sticks in my craw is the misspelling of collectible as collectable.

aaronou's avatar

@Marina, “definitely” (sp. definately) was the first one that came to my mind when I saw this question.

PupnTaco's avatar


Allie's avatar

“Necesarilly” – and there’s the red line. Necessarily.

gailcalled's avatar

I’ve got a little list; from Fluther exclusively. High marks for creativity, however.

Definitely; definately, defiantly, definitily, definatly,Definetly

Also-rans. Your, you’re; who’s, whose; to, two, too

And weird..It’s e before i, folks, in spite of the jingle, (or “jungle” as I have also seen here.)

shockvalue's avatar

Committee. Also, anyways is not a word. There is no “s” on the end.

Definitely kills me.

charliecompany34's avatar

protesters as protestors; congratulations as congradulations; weird as wierd; the common name “Michael” as Micheal; probably as probally; predominant and predominate (depends on context)

gailcalled's avatar

Misspelled is another one..choosing all those s’s and el’s.

Lovelocke's avatar

Their… never which form of the word, just that specific word. Then I figured, “Their… THE I-R”. I laugh at people who write signs that say “Cloths for sale”.

hearkat's avatar

“Definately” annoys me!!

They’re/There/Their and your/you’re – but with the iPhone auto-correct, it sometimes corrects to the wrong one :-/

Poser's avatar

I once saw a pretty funny piece of graffiti. In response to a bible verse written on a bathroom wall, someone else had written, “Satin is watching over us with his love.”

gailcalled's avatar

I raise you one “San Diego U mager.” And I had a secretary once who typed “leaves and fishes,” from a draft of a recommendation I had written in long-hand. (Anyone remember those days?)

Poser's avatar

Also, “responsibilities” always throws me off. Too many “i“s.

When I see someone write “probably” as “prolly,” I want to jump off a bridge.

marinelife's avatar

@Poser I’ll jump with you if that abomination, irregardless, or a few others appear.

jlm11f's avatar

my college physics professor pronounced and spelled “generally” as “generarally”. it was funny for the first 3 lectures….

gailcalled's avatar

And you-know-whose take on “nucular.”

marinelife's avatar

@gc That is on my list of bridge jumper words! Thanks.

arnbev959's avatar

@uber: i came across that site just last week!

gailcalled's avatar

How many people have sent me that link? Let me count the ways..there are actually an uberbatman number of sites possessed with Definitely.

lefteh's avatar

Ridiculous -> rediculous

gailcalled's avatar

Check out this site (I wear a Woman’s Large.)

jamzzy's avatar

has anyone ever try to spell banana out loud? its a tricky word.

lefteh's avatar

I used to have trouble with it, and then Gwen Stefani came along.

augustlan's avatar

@rockstar…I always used to have trouble with tomorrow…I finally got it for good with this: “I will go to morrow” as if “morrow” was a place…hope it helps! Definitely was a problem for me, too, but I think I’m over it.

Speaking of “used to”, I see ever increasing instances of “use to” (I use to go to that school) and “suppose to” (I was suppose to go, but didn’t) without the all important D. Drives me insane!

kevrev's avatar

Dyslexics of the world untie!

joeysefika's avatar

Colour and Aluminium. There’s too many Americans in today’s society, It’s called ENGLISH for a reason people.

ukasaka's avatar

@uberbatman, augustlan, hearkat, shockvalue, gailcalled, aaronou:

I agree completely with your opinions on definitely. I hate the word. It’s so hard to spell. English why must you be so hard!?!

pathfinder's avatar

Hard to spell is unbelievable.

Lovelocke's avatar

@Joey: The fact it’s called English has nothing to do with it. All world languages are subject to variation based on country or region. Compare Spanish in Spain to what’s spoken in Mexico. A very similar language is Italian.

Even in a smaller country like Japan, various dialects exist for their otherwise unique language.

The more widely spoken a language, the more varied it gets. English is second to Latin-influenced Spanish in the world.

Indy318's avatar

potato or is it potatoe (maybe I should ask Dan Quayle)

mrjadkins's avatar

Taking on to @Indy318 – I don’t like being corrected on the spelling of the color grey/gray. I use both because some people say it is grey and others say it is gray. Get over it. It is both.

hearkat's avatar

For unexplainable reasons, I prefer “grey” and also use British spelling for “behaviour”.

Along the lines of “used to”, I cringe when I see “could of” for “could have/could’ve”.

augustlan's avatar

@hearkat…oooh, that’s a good one, too. I hate seeing of in place of have!

mrjadkins's avatar

This may be more of a southern dialect issue. I haven’t seen it spelled like this but I hear people say “aks me a question” – where “aks” is really “ask”. I hear this within my own family who live in Tennessee and in Texas.

augustlan's avatar

@mrj…nope, not just southern. I grew up on the east coast, and plenty of people said it there. I lived in a very intergrated area, and most of my black friends pronounced it just that way. Also, “moms” instead of mom.

gailcalled's avatar

Showing up more and more is “seperate” for “separate.”

nina's avatar

You are

Poser's avatar

@mrj and augustian—There is a commercial in my part of the country for one of those lawyer referral hotlines; you might’ve seen them before. I think this one is 1–800-ASK-GARY, but the spokesman pronounces it 1–800-AXE-GARY. It always cracks me up. Or crasks me up.

augustlan's avatar

@poser…oh, that’s just awful! Wonder how many people are calling that “hotline”?

crisedwards's avatar

‘you’re’ spelled as ‘your’.

Knotmyday's avatar

@joeysefika: “There are too many Americans in today’s society.” <—note period, not comma.
By the way, bad premise. Especially when Americans publicly address your grammar, and your Anglocentrism.
Two demerits.

mumumusic123's avatar

I would say definitaly is terrible. See? even right now there’s a little red line under the word telling me it’s wrong!!

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