General Question

canidmajor's avatar

And, as a third Q on this topic: US jellies, would you come back (see details)

Asked by canidmajor (21726points) September 6th, 2016

So you emigrate to Other Country because of the outcome of the election. If in 4 or 8 years the administration changes to one that you like, would you come back?

Still in General, still looking for on point answers. Thanks.

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9 Answers

Seek's avatar

No. If I get out, I’m gone.

Brian1946's avatar


As one who also has Canadian citizenship, I would remain in the land of my people (back-bacon, beer-loving hosers, coola coola coocoo coo)!

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PriceisRightx26's avatar

Way too many variables to consider.

My desire to leave this country lies within the fact that I have done it before and it proved worthwhile. I came back for family. But if my family isn’t still with me in 4 or 8 years, then I wouldn’t have much to bring me back here again. Not a nationalist; I don’t think America is the greatest place on earth and I have no qualms with leaving it behind, even if I loved the new president.

Coloma's avatar

Nope. Only to visit but this country is all played out and has been for a long time. I am ashamed to be an American, quite frankly and if I still had the resources I did 10 years ago I’d be living in Panama or Costa Rica or Nicaragua or on an island somewhere in solitary bliss.

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MrGrimm888's avatar

Probably not. I would be greatful to the country that took me in,and attempt to be a decent contributer to their society.

I think a lot of Americans would leave if we could. But like most refugees, you have to have a realistic destination, and plan.

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