Are Christians particularly bad (or unlucky) drivers?
I was driving about 5 hours today on I-40 through Tennessee and North Carolina. It was a gorgeous day, and the trees are just beginning to lose their green. A great day for a drive.
On the sides of the interstate I noticed numerous – like more than 25 – crosses. At least in the south (I don’t know how prevalent this is up north or out west), these roadside memorials are placed at the location where, presumably, a loved one died while on the highway.
But they were all crosses – not a single Magen David, not one crescent – only symbols of Christianity. 100%. Every one of them.
Statistically, that’s bizarre. While there are a lot of cross-worshippers, they do not make up 100% of the population.
Which leads to a number of questions: Are Christians particularly bad drivers? Are they more likely to die in crashes? Are their prayers for long life ineffective? Why do they feel compelled to mark these fatalities when other religions don’t?
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18 Answers
No. Just public mourners.
The cross is just an easy way to mark where the person lost their life I don’t really think religion plays any part of it.
I agree with @SQUEEKY2
I am not a Christian but…my old pet cemetery had crosses and large stones painted as memorials to all my lost pets. The cross symbol is just sorta synonymous with memorials and may have nothing at all to do with true Christian beliefs. It is symbolic of death but not always symbolic of beliefs.
As said above, the cross has been reduced to a mere fixture by moth, like just bout every other thing that had reverence about it. Just because a hitman crosses himself before he assassinates someone or a hooker is wearing a cross about her neck doesn’t mean they are true Christians. If someone sold cresent markers I am sure some would sell, but with all the rhetoric about Muslims it would get vandalized.
I’d say it’s because you were in the Bible Belt, but also I agree with Coloma. I live in NY metro area and there are crosses here where people die from motorcycle accidents and stuff.
In Spanish-speaking areas. it is quite common for accident sites to be marked with a cross. I suspect that if reliable statistics could be compiled, we’d find that atheists, Muslims, Jews, Jains, Hindus, Sihks, Rastafarians, etc. are just as bad behind the wheel as are christians.
No the Amish are, can only go backwards
I doubt that all the memorials are put there by Christians! I wonder if I’d put a memorial up (something I can’t even bear to consider for a moment.) If I did, it wouldn’t be because I was an atheist.
Without reading the articles, I don’t think they should be banned. It doesn’t hurt to have a constant reminder of what can happen if you aren’t careful. SOMEBODY DIED HERE PROBABLY BECAUSE OF A CARELESS, THOUGHTLESS DRIVER. ARE YOU THAT CARELESS, THOUGHTLESS DRIVER?
Well said @Dutchess_III , I wish I could give you a thousand great answer votes for that, in my opinion 99.8% of all auto accidents are preventable if people would just think about driving instead I have to be first, I need to send that text, I wonder if I have an email.
Think about what you are doing and don’t expect the other driver to watch out for you.
But then people will just say I am ranting, and if I am just ranting why are there so many auto accidents every year on North American highways?
I so agree, and this is something worth ranting about, @SQUEEKY2.
Even without texting people are subconsciously going “OMG! He’s passing me! I have to catch up!”
“I have to catch up to all those cars up there!”
“I have to block people from getting in my lane!”
They just do whatever the hell people are doing around them and they don’t think.
The best plan is to stay as far away as feasible from other cars, not get as close as you can to be a part of the herd.
Yesterday I was backing out of a parking space and looked like 3 times, as soon as I started to go some f—k tard came flying behind me at like 30mph. I narrowly missed getting creamed. Of course it is always the person backing out that is at fault but in a situation like that, man, I would have drug that women from her car and pummeled her. haha
People behind you do have a responsibility to let you know they’re there. When I back slowly, slowly out of a stall at Sonic, often not able to see over the cars on my left, it amazes me how many drivers don’t toot to let me know they’re there. I guess they think it’s rude or some such nutty stuff.
^ This person was flying, FLYING, through the aisle, unreal, they are lucky they didn’t mow someone down. I can’t believe how many people drive like 25–30mph through PARKING lots. haha
Right? And if there is almost a wreck they’re scowling and gesturing at you like it was your fault.
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