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TysonEdwards's avatar

Wasn't the iPhone Multi-touch?

Asked by TysonEdwards (126points) July 21st, 2007 from iPhone

Recently got my iPhone, however didn't Apple go into great detail that it is a multi-touch device? When I am typing on the keyboard, I can't hold shift and type in caps, I can't spin multiple wheels at once on the clocks, nothing. Is my iPhone broken?

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6 Answers

MarkHeftler's avatar

No, the multi touch functions using applications such as Safari and the Picture Viewer. When you place two fingers on the screen and spread them apart to zoom in on a photo or a web page, that's using multi touch.

TysonEdwards's avatar

Ah, that makes sense. Any word if multi-touch is going to be extended to all the core applications on the iPhone?

bob's avatar

Technologically, multi-touch capability exists within each app, but apparently Apple thinks registering all touches, no matter what else is going on, makes the interface harder to use. Simultaneous taps/button-presses don't seem to be part of the interface model.

I'm sure that many of the apps will get updates to their interfaces; some of these updates might allow for a fuller use of multi-touch... but I don't imagine they'll introduce simultaneous button-presses to the iPhone interface anytime soon.

I imagine that as multi-touch devices become more prevalent, the idea that the computer won't register multiple touches at all times will eventually seem old-fashioned, since it's based on having one cursor, rather than ten.

Are there any multi-touch features of the iPhone other than pinching?

franklee's avatar

To enable CAPS LOCK go to settings/ general/ keyboard, and turn on Caps function. Now when you double click the up arrow on the keyboard you caps it.

Multitoch can be tested by viewing a webpage or picture and doing the two finger pinch or stretch.

hearkat's avatar

The only other multi-touch function of which I am aware is the 2-finger zoom-out in Maps

annabel398's avatar

to clarify Hearkat: if you go into Maps and tap the screen with two fingers at once, you will zoom out. Tapping it with one finger twice (double-tapping) zooms in. I like these gestures as an alternate to pinching, since Maps seems very touchy about "margins" -- that is, if you pinch out over the "menu bars" you're likely to jump the map to a different location.

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