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elbanditoroso's avatar

If the world ended, how would we know it?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) September 8th, 2016

Wouldn’t we be gone?

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14 Answers

Mariah's avatar

We wouldn’t, of course. I guess some people who believe in end-of-world scenarios also believe in them happening in a religious context, so they might think we’ll know about it from the afterlife.

filmfann's avatar

T. S. Eliot has your answer:

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

Coloma's avatar

Personally I’m hoping for a renegade black hole, whoooosh, gone. haha
It, of course, depends on what the end is. Something like a super Volcano erupting would take us out slowly and painfully in an apocalyptic manner vs. black hole bliss.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

Wouldn’t it depend on how the world ended? Quite a few celestial events wouldn’t give any life on Earth a moment to even register that the world ended. Others, say, like an asteroid, it’s possible that some would have enough time to register that it is indeed the end.

And if, say, the sun suddenly just disappeared, we’d know as the world grows colder and colder in perpetual night, flying off in a tangent from whatever position Earth was at in its orbit 8 minutes after the sun vanished.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The only way I would know for sure if I heard these words, The next President of the US is Donald Trump, then I would know the world has ended.

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t think we would know or care. Assuming it happened all at once. But if it happened gradually…

flutherother's avatar

@squeeky2 That would be the ‘Last Trump’ I suppose.

ucme's avatar

ESPN would likely show edited highlights

canidmajor's avatar

The folks in the ISS might know it for a bit, depending on the manner of its ending.

Inspired_2write's avatar

When the Sun hits us then we will see a very bright light and feel hot.

Strauss's avatar

“And one by one, the stars would all go out, and you and I would simply fly away.

Bread If count 2:09

Strauss's avatar

@BellaB You’re quite welcome. It’s one of the things I do

. Narwhals

babaji's avatar

so we all go dead and crossover to the other side
because we no longer have a physical body to live in.
Cool…WE also have an astral body and a Causal body
at the same time we have a physical body,
so losing the physical body is no big deal. LOL where are we after we cross over?...On the Astral plane.
So life is like your dreams. Awareness grows as we begin to understand
that things are different, and we don’t have a physical body anymore.
...You might see past friends or relatives that will help you to understand.
Somewhere along There, Karma is to be dealt with
but that’s another discussion.

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