Social Question

Could we say that God suffers from tragedy fatigue? Can we really call god evil?
If monotheistic god is everywhere, it would mean it knows about every happening, feels every pain every person feels, knows and sees everything….but at the same time, people claim god doesn’t react on human tragedies and suffers, that it “doesn’t care”, which is why many describe god as sadistic or violent.
But what if god simply suffers from some sort of fatigue? What if it saw so many horrible things, so many tragedies and horrors, felt so much pain, that it can’t take anymore and simply shut down, became insensitive not because of it’s own arrogance or sadism, but because it simply saw so much that it isn’t surprised anymore?
God experienced the Holocaust, Unit 731, every genocide ever, every crime big or small. It has been in every mind that ever existed, knows every atrocity that was birthed in every skull. It has been in the Chernobyl and felt the atomic bomb.
And it still does, being in every corner, every atom. God is in Syria right now, experiencing war and horror the heart of every person there, as well witnessing the horror in the mind of every extremist and evil soul out there.
And that is only when it comes to humans. Imagine experiencing every nature catastrophe ever on top of that.
When we put things in that perspective, can one really call God sadistic and evil? Or simply fed up and numbed down with all the trauma it has been through the beginning of time, and will so until it’s end, if there even is an end?
It’s horrifying being a god, isn’t it?