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MrGrimm888's avatar

Does intense spraying make mosquitoes more active?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) September 10th, 2016

So. Thanks to ZIKA, they have been spraying insecticides more often than in the past in my area. I would assume they are doing the same in other mosquito prone areas.

Lastnight the mosquitoes were worse than I can ever remember. I had to wear insect repellent inside at my job. Everyone was covered in bites,and some refused to work our outside bar.

Has the increase in insecticides made the mosquitoes more active? It seems like they were flying faster and bitting more than ever. And the place I was is usually not even that bad for mosquitoes.

I’ve seen fleas gets more aggressive after an animal takes a Capstar. They seem aggravated by poisons ,and even though they die, they go out bitting.

Are the mosquitoes worse where you are right now?

Or do I just notice them more,now that I’m afraid of contracting the virus?
It wasn’t just me lastnight, it was everyone.

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8 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Maybe the mosquitos are going on a rampage to avenge their fellows’ death from excessive spraying ~

Jokes aside, my guess is that the spraying has created a new kind of mosquitos: quicker, more resilient, and maybe more deadly. The spraying killed all the “mild” ones, while the more aggressive managed to survive and breed. The same reason why antibiotic becomes less effective to bacteria after prolonged use.

Seek's avatar

You’re probably noticing them more.

They’ve been really bad for years now, because we haven’t had a single night of freezing temperatures in at least three winters.

Cruiser's avatar

It’s the law of unintended consequences. Two things are at play because of our rampant use of pesticides. One is the mosquitoes are breeding to be resistant to our chemicals and two, our pesticides are hurting the populations of mosquito predators. We are only making matters worse by blindly using pesticides.

Instead of spraying chemicals, they should put up bird feeders. I have 2 in my yard and I can sit out at night and not get bit by a mosquito because there are so very few thanks to my feathered friends.

Coloma's avatar

Certain pesticides effect the central nervous system and yes, the Mosquitos, may, very well indeed, be in a state of animated agitation, swarming more intensely.
There are a lot of Bats in my area and bats are the #1 Mosquito eating predator.
As @Cruiser says, the trickle down effect and secondary poisoning is really bad for all the beneficial Mosquito eaters , other insects, like Crane Flies ( known as Mosquito eaters ), birds, bats etc. It’s really a shame the rampant use of pesticides, talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ueah. The news said they accidentally killed almost 3 million honey bees the other morning because they sprayed at the wrong time.

I’d love more bats…

Coloma's avatar

@MrGrimm888 No way! 3 million honey bees, that is so, completely, unacceptable. I am so sad to hear that! WTF!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. It was sad. One bee keeper lost 2.5 million. Her entire stock. I guess bees go out in the morning. So you have to spray after they go out ,then return to the safety of their hives. The local sprayers were supposed to coordinate with the bee keepers. But there was a mix up. The pictures were pathetic. Piles of dead honey bees. The bee keeper cried her eyes out.

Coloma's avatar

I think I’d be down at that government building or whatever company is doing the spraying and injecting a few hundred gallons of pesticide into their duct work Go ahead, give me life, I’m on the far side of the return journey anyway. lol

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