Does a car really attract girls?
Asked by
Eggie (
September 12th, 2016
Lets be real ladies. You may not like the guy all because of his car but a car really does give you an edge when it comes to attracting women right?
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53 Answers
Perhaps it does but the wrong kind.
Not me. I love motorcycles.
Don’t get me wrong though – I don’t give two shits about the driver. I don’t want a guy with a bike.
I want the bike.
For several teenage and early twenty years. After that, most usually look for something more substantial.
No. My hubby’s work truck is the complete opposite of appealing. It smells like sweaty dude and floor finish and stale Whoppers.
Most cars attract flies – they commit hara-kiri on windshields.
^^Which reminds me of the joke:
Q: What was the last thing that went through the bugs mind when he hit the windshield?
A: His assh*le.
@rojo – tacky, but funny.
Nope, don’t care about a car. I’m not impressed by that sort of thing. In fact I’d go as far to say that I would judge a man if he tried to impress me with his car. His book collection, now that’s another story…
I never cared about the car/s. I did privately laugh sometimes when a guy obviously thought he and his car were all that
Well, a nice car speaks of money. If it’s kept clean it speaks of organization. It can also speak of things that are not so complementary, so it takes time to figure out what is what with a particular guy.
But no. The car is the last thing I really take into account. For me, for some, reason…shoes.
@Dutchess_III I have always heard that women can easily judge a guy by his shoes.
I heard that too, and kind of didn’t know what to think of it….until I realized that I do, indeed, check out a man’s shoes. And his forearms.
Forearms? What does that say?
Looking for tattoos? If another girl’s name is there in large print, it could be a turnoff
Hmm, i’ll go ask my chauffeur, back in a bit
According to a lady I heard talking once, yes, it helps big time to have a car. Fancy shiny wheels you got, matters not.
Well, at first, @kritiper. Money is an allure. Now whether or not she actually stays with him for the long term depends on more than that.
I have had a couple of guys try to entice me with their money. Not interested, because I wasn’t interested in them.
@ARE_you_kidding_me what do well muscled forearms say? To me it’s says he’s in shape and is probably a hard worker, and physically active. Not a couch potato. (Not to be confused with muscles that come about from hours of weight lifting, which is a turn off for me.)
^ I look at hands and shoulders for the same reason.
This car might turn the heads of a few ladies. It was featured on a Steppenwolf album.
Turned your head though didn’t it!
Not…exactly. I looked twice and it got uglier each time!
How’d you like to have that bearing down on you in a crosswalk?!?!
@rojo “This car might turn the heads of a few ladies” Yeah, away from it.
^^that will get you an earful!
Sorry! Did I say that out loud?
I agree with @Sneki95.
I wouldn’t want that car, or any car, bearing down on me in a crosswalk.
Well, that explains why getting a date was easy when I worked in a lumber yard and a horrible time when I worked sales.
I figured that was all it was too. What I can’t explain now is why a little grey in my beard appears to have the same effect. Was not expecting that, perhaps I’m imagining it though.
Shows maturity. But it probably isn’t attracting the teens and 20-somethings.
Anyone who owns a car in this city is an idiot. It is not a city to drive in; it’s a city to walk, bike, and take public transit in. No guy gets respect for owning an overpriced, polluting hunk of metal that is slower than all alternative methods of travel and which he can’t even park anywhere.
Depends on the girl. I think as long as the car is overall clean, and in good working order, most girls are just fine with that. Girls who are really worried about the guy having an expensive car probably aren’t worth the time.
I know a lot of guys with fancy cars and no money in the bank. No thanks.
I had a girlfriend who drove a Chevelle in HS. Boy, did she attract guys with that motor. They could not believe it was really her car. They kept telling her it had to be her brother’s car. It wasn’t. It was hers. They didn’t believe her.
Let me be very specific here.
You asked about “Girls”. Now, in most cases, someone trying to date a girl probably doesn’t need a car.
If you’re trying to attract an adult woman, not having a car at all might go against you, if you happen to live in a place that requires a car for you to, say, work, or go to the grocery store, or whatever.
Where I currently live, public transportation is almost worse than nonexistent. You either own a car or you pay assloads of money to an Uber driver, or you’re stuck bumming rides from friends hither, thither, and yon.
Most people looking to begin dating someone they’ve just met do not want to become your personal taxi service, nor do they want to be the designated driver at every outing.
The type of car is mostly irrelevant.
Is @Eggie a high school student? That’s where actually having a car or not is really important.
If I remember correctly, he’s in his late 20s. I could be off, though.
It wasn’t until I read you comment that I thought, “Wait. Does he mean, “Does having your own transportation make you attractive?” Which put it in a whole new light. The only kind of grown man that I can imagine who wouldn’t have a car would be a total loser.
Or a resident of a major metropolitan area with ample public transportation.
Well, yeah. But I can’t even fathom that. Here there is a guy who drives around in a beat up old station wagon with the word “Taxie” hand sprayed on the door!
Yes and no. There’s a lot to be learned about someone by the vehicle they drive (and maintain). I’m in favor of practical, tidy, and American made. Those aren’t hard rules for me though; I’ve never turned someone down based on the vehicle they drove.
^^Also attuned to shoes, hands, and arms.
Fewer and fewer car owners in this neighbourhood each year. They’re really pretty useless – just annoying for most people trying to find parking. I have one of maybe six driveways on our block and one of two garages. We see more short-term (1 hour+) rent/lease vehicles every month. A good portion of our nearest parking lot is dedicated to them. Cars aren’t valued very highly around here.
Im 31. I am in the process of getting a car but I dont think that makes me a loser.
Well, if you’ve never needed one before, that doesn’t make you a loser. I’ve never had an elephant.
@Dutchess_III But you just said, “The only kind of grown man that I can imagine who wouldn’t have a car would be a total loser.”
It’s really difficult for me to read a statement like that, when I know plenty of grown people, most of whom are making a very decent living, who don’t have cars. And would you assess women the same way? Are they losers if they don’t have our own cars? Why on earth not?
But I also spoke from my limited perspective. I didn’t take into consideration that in some large metropolitan areas cars are actually a nuisance. Every one walks, takes a taxi or a bus or a train. I have absolutely 0 experience with that. It didn’t even occur to me. Now I know better, thanks to the comments on this thread.
If you live in such an area, then no. You don’t need a car. I assume, now, that @Eggie lives in such an area.
If, however, you live in an area like Wichita, or a small town, you absolutely DO need a car. If you don’t have one you’re having to bum rides from people, to go to the doctors or go to work or go shopping or go out, and that isn’t cool after you’re an adult and on your own. I would not even consider dating a guy who didn’t own a car. Not in this area.
I live in a rural small town area. I definitly need a car
What kind of adult in your town wouldn’t have a car @Eggie?
An adult who has loans to pay off, not making a sufficient amount of money or someone who wants to buy a good car and not a piece of machiene that gives trouble.
No, I mean, they have NO car. What kind of person in your town has NO car, not even a piece of crap car?
If you need a car to function as a normal adult in your area, and you don’t have one, than yes, most potential dates will find that unappealing.
If it’s a life choice to use Uber instead, awesome. Plenty of people will understand that and some will even appreciate it as thrift or whatever.
If you rely on friends to drive you around, that’s not really great.
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