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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I am cooking some simmering beef ribs in the electric frying pan do you have any tips?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25058points) September 12th, 2016

I might not put water or butter on them and see what happens. Salt and pepper I will use. If I use the oven it sets of the smoke detector. I will start cooking when I’ve calmed down from the walk to the grocery store. At 7pm mountain standard time. The ribs look like maui ribs. Thin sliced.

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7 Answers

Seek's avatar

Add a small amount of fat, and season to taste, and sear them. Don’t use water.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Seek Thanks I don’t have any fat. Ok I will cook in 15 minutes.

Cruiser's avatar

Depends how you want them to taste. I would sear and brown the ribs for about 15 minutes. Then if you want them to be beefy savory tasting I would add in sliced onions and mushrooms with beef stock or a can of mushroom soup (Not cream of mushroom) and simmer on low for 2 hours then add in potatoes and sliced carrots to make it a meal. Again simmer on low another hour and check for doneness. Open the lid of the frying pan as little as possible. Last 15 minutes of cooking remove the lid you can add some cornstarch to thicken while you reduce down the liquid.

For a sweeter bbq rib flavor after searing and browning the meat, instead add water and BBQ sauce to the simmer on low for 2 hours. Remove lid to reduce down the liquids add more BBQ sauce until ribs are nice and coated. Dig in.

Seek's avatar

Butter is fat, hon. So is oil, or little bits of bacon. Whatever you have.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all thanks they cooked nicely. I already ate them.

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ucme's avatar


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