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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Would it violate the constitution (Canada /Amercian or world wide ) If they outlawed being a jerk? (maybe NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) September 12th, 2016

Right now It’s getting close to reality with politically correction . How would the world change if being a jerk , bitch, was outlawed? Humor and serious answers welcome. How would the bar be set for determining who is a jerk?

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11 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Who would judge that??
If you don’t like someone no matter what they do they will be a jerk to you ,while to others they are super great people.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t know… maybe it would be a matter for the courts

imrainmaker's avatar

Not getting your question.. killing someone is prohibited by law but people are still doing it. People will keep being jerk even if prohibited by law by using xyz bar. What is has to do with the Constitution violation?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@imrainmaker Freedom of speech.

rojo's avatar

Would we need a Department of Jerkism to make such determinations and would this be a cabinet level post?

Sneki95's avatar

Define “jerk”.

MrGrimm888's avatar

If it were illegal to be a jerk, there wouldn’t even be enough free people to man the prisons as guards.

Seek's avatar

Sounds like such a thing would be unenforceable. I don’t think any unenforceable law should be on the books.

Kind of like Florida’s “Texting while driving” law. It’s pointless. They knew it was pointless when they passed it. Major waste of taxpayer money and time that could have been spent, I dunno, creating jobs or passing healthcare or fighting Zika mosquitoes or some shit.

Mariah's avatar

That would violate freedom of speech.

“Political correctness” is nothing like that. We’re allowed to dislike or look down upon or even bar from a private business somebody for being a racist asshole. That is entirely different from saying “you can’t be a racist asshole or you will be punished by law.”

Freedom of speech protects you from being legally punished for what you say. It doesn’t protect you from ever suffering any consequences, ever for what you say.

LostInParadise's avatar

Give an example of political correctness that you think is jerky.

How would you feel about someone who said that there is no such thing as mental illness and that people so designated should not get money from the government? That would certainly not be politically correct. Would you consider it jerky? I would.

I think there is more jerkiness among those who are flagrantly politically incorrect. I think Donald Trump is a jerk. Obviously his supporters feel differently.

rojo's avatar

Heard someone today putting down an organization because they were “all anti-discrimination and similar nonsense”. She is a Trump supporter. Evidently she felt that any kind of anti-discrimination was just political correctness and probably discriminatory itself since its sole purpose is to violate the rights of those who do discriminate

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