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Mimishu1995's avatar

So, is it certain that Trump will win?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23809points) September 12th, 2016

Now that Hillary’s health condition is revealed, Trump is getting more and more support than ever before.

Is there no stopping him now?

I’d like to hear your view as Americans. I need some update about the incident too.

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35 Answers

Jeruba's avatar


However, I do think the campaign is growing stupider and more obnoxious by the day. It’s my impression that Clinton is taking bad advice and Trump is taking no advice at all. I’ll never vote for Trump, but man, Hillary sure is making it hard to stick with her.

rojo's avatar

“Antibiotics can cure pneumonia but they can’t cure misogyny, racism, xenophobia, ignorance or wanting to bang your daughter.

— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 12, 2016

rojo's avatar

“This is the first time Republicans have cared about a woman’s health.”

— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) September 11, 2016

rojo's avatar

“Wait, so Hillary has PNEUMONIA and she’s still campaigning as hard as she is? You realize how badass that is, right?”

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) September 11, 2016

rojo's avatar

“It’s possible Hillary didn’t think to alert everyone to her illness b/c like most women since the dawn of time, she works when she’s sick.”

— Katie Klabusich (@Katie_Speak) September 11, 2016

rojo's avatar

Cheney’s bad heart, Bush 41 spewed, FDR had polio… but a lady gets the vapors & it’s a crisis.

— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) September 12, 2016

rojo's avatar

No. Not even a given. I, and I don’t think I am alone in this, would vote for a dead Hillary over a live Trump any day.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I don’t actually believe it even possible that Clinton could somehow bungle Trump into the White House.

Bill1939's avatar

Sadly, it is very possible that Trump might be elected President. The same emotions that resulted in a vote in favor of Brexit are at work in the U.S.

Seek's avatar

According to FiveThirtyEight, Hillary’s got more than a 2-to-1 chance of winning, even if she loses Florida AND Ohio.

ucme's avatar

Far from it, it is certain that he will not, the wise eeh-merry-kans choosing the lesser of two evils in a piss poor choice

chyna's avatar

No he will not win.

ucme's avatar

“The same emotions that resulted in a vote in favor of Brexit…”
Good grief man, do an Elsa & let it go, still peddling that utter claptrap

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thanks all for your input. I was watching the news and was a bit paranoid about the election. At least I can be sure Trump doesn’t get all the vote now. Like @rojo, I want vote for a dead Hillary over a living Trump. Trump is such a disease in any state of health.

jonsblond's avatar

You are asking a site that is overwhelmingly Democratic. Hillary keeps making mistakes that only help Trump and his deplorables. I think it will be a very close race. It’s not a guarantee for Clinton at all.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

There are a lot of people who are holding out but will cave and vote for trump in the end. It’s going to be a close race to idiocracy.

Cruiser's avatar

Trump will win and handily at that. What you are not seeing in the polls are the people who are uncommitted republicans in particular who won’t admit they are voting for him until they are in the voting booth. I am guessing there are at least another 5–8% of unpolled voters who will vote fro Trump. Secondly the enthusiasm to vote is visibly lacking on the Dem side and the passion to vote on the Republican side is at an all time high. Just look at the Trump rallies…10 to 20 x’s the supporters Hillary can scare up. Republicans in the lower races are polling very strongly and even here in Illinois they are predicting the state to go red for the first time in like ever. Plus, I do believe there will be more emails etc to add to her scandals and the October surprise that could very well put a fork in Hillary.

Seek's avatar

Rally attendance isn’t a vote. Just ask Bernie.

LostInParadise's avatar

It comes at a bad time for Clinton, but I think that if she is up and about in a week, it will not make any difference. Her illness does point out something. The long presidential political campaigns are physically grueling. A candidate has to be in pretty good health to make it to the end.

Seek's avatar

It points out that bacteria exist. That is all.

ucme's avatar

World leaders should be way younger, Clinton (68) & Trump 70) are fucking dinosaurs

flutherother's avatar

I’d vote for the pneumonia virus before I voted for Trump. Pneumonia causes less damage and can be cured.

Cruiser's avatar

I dunno @Dutchess_III That is just another Op Ed attempting to make something out of nothing and once again getting it completely wrong. Since day one the best and the brightest of the media pundits have all gotten Trump wrong and I mean 100% wrong and that is just another example. Trump did not hijack the Republican party he simple gave a voice to the millions of Americans who are sick and tired of the career do-nothing politicians on both sides of the Isle.

It was no small feat for Donald to take down their entire Republican establishment with politicians in his own party combined with a clearly biased media both of who stopped at nothing to stop Trump. Now that Trump has all but abandoned the bombastic inflammatory rhetoric that got his this far…we are already seeing the movement in the poles that reflects the growing realization of the undecideds and independent voters that Hillary is not candidate they thought she was and her scandals have exposed to the voting public just how distasteful, greedy and untrustworthy she really is and how could anyone vote for her to be our President.

I find it interesting that the Dems are throwing around lies about Trump thinking the one lie about Romney not paying his taxes took him down last election and that foolishly it will work on taking down Trump. Liberal media lies and phony Op Ed aren’t and won’t work because the voting public is waking up to their lies and deception and these efforts from what I can see are only feeding the success and rise of Trump.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh @Cruiser. I don’t need articles to help me determine how I feel about trump. I don’t need rumors and lies, either. I just have to listen to him talk.
It’s the bigoted, racist, misogynist rednecks that have led to his “success.” It’s depressing to realize how many are actually out there.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am not bigoted, racist, misogynist nor a redneck, yet I have to support Trump so my small business has a fighting chance to get out from under from the oppressive regulation and taxation inflicted upon me the last 8 years. I said 6 months ago I would never vote for Trump, but Hillary truly scares me by how desperate she is to win this election and has done everything to take out anyone who opposes her path to the Presidency and her bizarre behavior of late only exacerbates how desperate she is to say anything do anything lie, deceive and make up blatant lies all a smoke screen to distract from her true scandals just to try and win. News flash the entire Republican party tried that tactic and failed miserably and the harder she tries what has already failed, only makes her appear weaker and desperate and far from the person who should be the leader of our country and the free world. The fact that she is allowing Obama to campaign for her only proves to me clueless and out of touch with we the people she is and should be kept very far away from Capital Hill.

rojo's avatar

@Cruiser ”....combined with a clearly biased media both of who stopped at nothing to stop Trump. ”

Not sure I can agree with this. From my perspective, in the beginning the media were not biased against him, they treated him like a feel-good story on a slow news day. They laughed at his antics and insults. They allowed him to get away with a lot more bullshit than other candidates because they expected less from him. Had they treated him the way that they treat other minor or third party candidates his campaign would have imploded month ago. Their constant barrage of Trump, Trump, Trumpisms was instrumental in his win of the Republican Primary.

I would say up until the time he won the nomination the media was, if not his friend, at least a happy, willing participant in a symbiotic (or maybe parasitic) relationship. When he actually won, then the fear and guilt for what they had actually helped do set in and then the media became more anti-Trump.

Still, I believe you will be disappointed in your choice if he does win. He is not in it to make your life better, only his. Not saying Clinton is any different. But Trump will not reduce the regulations or taxation. He has alienated his own party, he has alienated the Dems, The Tea Party might but he has not endeared himself to them the way he savaged their darlings. Not sure how he expects to govern at all except through his usual method of fear and intimidation, that might work on Congress, but doubtful. I think he may be the one candidate who the Republicans had to choose from who is actually more spiteful and vindictive than Clinton. As much as I detest her, at least she has laid out plans for how to govern, Trumps only plan seems to be “Trust Me, I will make it work”. And I don’t.

You know I am not happy with my choices this election either. I am very surprised that you have not expressed more interest in the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson. His views are actually much more in line with what I perceive yours to be and, surprisingly, much closer to my own.

My hope is that this year is the year that brings on a viable third party. (Although it could be argued that the Tea Party is just that. Not sure why the Republican Party continues to tolerate them) That is what this country needs right now although having more than two parties might not work as long as we continue to use a winner-take-all system of government and not the more fair and equitable proportional representation model.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Cruiser It is understandable how you feel. Many US citizans feel the same way. What some of them have come to realize is that this upcoming presidential election is a time to consider what is best for the country and its people and not about what is best for us. It harps back to Kennedy’s speech.

So let’s look at the bigger picture. A US president is a figurehead. It should be someone with proven leadership, strategic, communication, and follow-through skills. It needs to be someone who understands the needs of the nation, as well as other nations.

US citizens will basically have two choices: Trump or Clinton. Which is more qualified? Which has a better chance of moving the country in the right direction on issues that are important through congress support?

Cruiser's avatar

@rojo Not sure I can follow you… ” they treated him like a feel-good story on a slow news day. They laughed at his antics and insults.” Those 2 statements directly contradict each other. How can you say they presented Trump as a feel good story and at the same time mock him and laugh at him? That sounds to me that they used his antics to get ratings. In reality Trump did what he did just to get free air time and suck the oxygen out of the room of his Republican opposition. And boy did it work! He pulled the primary rug right out from the best and brightest in the GOP. And he continues to “work” the media to his advantage and I would have to guess he has had hundreds of millions of dollars worth of media air time for free and he is leading in the polls. Nay sayers HAVE to finally admit they were totally wrong about Trump and the Dems are running out of time to get their shit together.

Cruiser's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Any other election year I would agree with you but IMO there is one big reason that explains Trumps popularity and that is they are tired of voting and hoping that whoever will do what is best for the country. After 8 years of Obama’s train wreck of stagnant and lower wages higher taxes and now health care bills that are going through the roof….people are sick and tired of the Government status quo BS lip service and raising their fists and voices to say…“Hey Washington….what about ME!!” They know their expectations have fallen on deaf ears and they see hope in Trump not only listening to them but making deals that will favor them for a change. It is that simple. I say this because this is exactly how I feel. Enough is enough. Establishment Washington had their time to listen to the people and they only continue to ignore our voices and arrogantly think they are the answer. Just look at the carnage Trump inflicted on the Republican party and he now has establishment Dems squarely in his sights…it won’t be pretty.

rojo's avatar

” they treated him like a feel-good story on a slow news day. They laughed at his antics and insults.” Not a good story, a feel-good story, like pictures of puppies, or a grandma who makes cookies for her neighbors or that video of kids swinging on a rope that breaks and drops them into the water.

What I mean is they did not see him as actual news, just filler that increased their ratings.

No, I agree with you and I would think you would be more concerned about someone who manipulates the media and the people with such seeming ease. I am.

True dat about the Dems. IMO they have to make a choice, do they want Clinton or do they want to win the Presidency; I am not sure they can have both. Clinton is the establishment and people are tired of the establishment. It is just unfortunate that the anti-establishment is represented by Trump.

Do you really think he is through with the Republicans? Do you believe they will do what he wants if he wins?

If you want an idea of what a Trump Presidency will look like, I would suggest you look into the present govenment of Roberto Duterte in the Philllipines. Duterte is just a third world version of Trump.

Cruiser's avatar

@rojo I am not concerned that Trump manipulates the media with such ease…no…I am way more concerned that the media is so easily manipulated and today Trump really gave it to them good. They took it hook line and sinker and now the media is a laughing stock. Bunch of whiney lap dogs. They could not report on an investigative true story if their lives depended on it because they know the truth does not garner ratings and no one knows that better than Trump. He has been masterful in his use of the media. Before it was a laughable side show and now that he is leading in the polls he is demonized for not playing fair…the media’s reaction to them finally realizing they have been played all along is laughable. Funny thing is they are stuck in this rabbit hole of their own creation and will have to follow Trump until his inauguration. I am very amused by all this.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Cruiser. It absolutely baffles me that you and the rest of the folks looking to Trump for salvation actually believe that he is about looking out for the average Joe. Just go try to find an example of Trump being concerned for the welfare of anyone other than himself!

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly The only salvation I am looking for is from the clutches of Hillary Clinton and the liberal agenda that has robbed me and this country of the freedoms to grow and prosper. That simple . And if it takes a Donald Trump to make it happen and make America Great again I am all for it. Seriously @stanleybmanly face facts here. If the Dems were stupid enough to elect a junior Senator with ZERO experience as President..then thinking someone like a beholden totally corrupt Hillary AND her Bill baggage is the answer to undo Obama’s mess he is leaving us with then I have lost any and all respect for anyone who calls themselves a Democrat. I still respect Liberals but anyone who says I am a Democrat OR a Republican…IMO your ship has sailed and if either side cannot see that Trumps popularity is a clear as daylight message that a vast number of voters are truly sick of the lies and broken promises that have come out of Congress. Sad part is so few are willing to admit this dynamic. I liken both parties to a bunch of frogs you throw into a pot of water and slowly bring to a boil and they all will croak. Whether you or anyone else doesn’t like it…Trump is a movement that is in full steam ahead and nothing IMO will stop him. His opponents have simply run out of options to stop him.

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