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tan253's avatar

Anyone here with inattentive ADHD?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) September 13th, 2016

Hi, I believe that I may have this. My Dr mentioned it to me and now my therapist is going to test me for it.
All my life I feel as though I just have had no motivation, no organisational skills, my brain always seem foggy, yet I have have 101 ideas and am really creative. I start things but never get them finished, I get bored and distracted super easily and I’m highly impatient. I feel I just can’t get on top of things and I’m 40. My house is always messy and I want to do great things, yet never find the motivation to start them. I always just thought I was lazy but I knew something wasn’t right, as once I do start something I can be great, but as soon as I’m bored I find it hard to go back. Anyone else with Inattentive ADHA relate? There are other factors, I suffer from anxiety as well – I just want to be diagnosed now to be honest as at least all of this will make sense, as I always feel a block somewhere in life and I have no idea why?? Sound familiar?

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11 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

“Sound familiar?”
A bit….

SmashTheState's avatar

ADD and ADHD are made-up. They don’t exist. If you read the DSM and (in particular) the DSM casebook, you’ll see that the function of psychiatry is to make a person functional for employment. In other words, what constitutes a “disorder” or “mental illness” is anything which makes a person less useful and productive as a generic cog in the capitalist machine. Or, as Jung put it, “The achievements which society rewards are won at the cost of diminution of personality.”

You don’t need a cure; our culture does. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. What you need to do is find a place where your particular set of talents can be put to good use. I have the exact opposite “problem” you do: I get flustered when faced with more than one thing at a time, but can focus with laser-like intensity on a single task for a period of time which leaves most people incredulous. This is a highly valuable skill for my chosen vocation of shit-disturber, but would make me a terrible waiter.

Sneki95's avatar

@SmashTheState Confusing that I see the first paragraph as complete bullshit, but agree with the second one 100%. I’ve no idea whether should I agree with you or not.

tan253's avatar

So @Sneki95 you’re saying you have been diagnosed as having, inattentive disorder?
I understand that culture needs a cure and I agree, I’m just so over not being able to function as others similar to me do!
I see them thriving and I’m stuck in la-la loop land unable to get out.
I just want to have a bath and cry.

Sneki95's avatar

@tan253 I’m not diagnosed, I simply resonate with what you wrote. I feel like that often times.

tan253's avatar

Yeah I think a lot of us do… It’s really frustrating as I feel as though I have a mental block but Iv’e had it all my life. I do wonder if there is something not quite right with my chemical make up or if it’s that some of just don’t quite fit into the rules of society.

Sneki95's avatar

There is a thin line between a madman and a genious.
Similar to what @SmashTheState said, it is a part of the culture what is crazy and what is not. If you realize you can’t function normally in society, it is debatable whether is it in your head or is it in skewed norms the society has. Either way, if you wish to change that, go to the doctor. S/he will help you better than a stranger on the internet. It will either be reprogramming to fit into societal norms, or helping you to learn to live with your incompatibility and put it into some positive use.

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rojo's avatar

Saw something recently about adult ADHD and how many of us have it but were never diagnosed as kids (we are of an age when it was just thought of as being a kid)

It mentioned many of the symptoms you list above so there is a good chance that you will be diagnosed with ADHD. They can give you drugs for it or you can adjust your lifestyle to compensate or, not compensate, remove the stress that it causes. Coping with ADHD, and Managing ADHD and 50 Tips and Social activities for ADHD aand Careers for people with ADHD, finally, best jobs

tan253's avatar

How do you remove the stress that it causes—- I’ve been like this my whole life, my mum always told me I was so forgetful as a child, but I was never disruruptive in fact, according to her I was very quiet. My father’s new wife is a psych nurse and she says it’s not a real disorder.
Just some of us don’t fit into society due to a different way of thinking. That’s great so where would someone forgetful, unable to organize no matter how hard they try, have multiple things on the go and then have moments of sheer genius go? ha ha… This morning I’ve had to laugh at myself so many times. I’ve got so much to do – but decided to make breakfast, that took forever, go the eggs, then decided to clean the lounge, wondered if I’d eaten already, went back into the kitchen to find the oil burning on the pan, put the eggs on, found some toast, then the phone rang, forgot I was cooking breakfast, went to do some work then wondered about the washing I’d put through the machine yesterday – didn’t find it, went outside, apparently I’d already hung it up, came back inside to the eggs, oh yes!
Ate breakfast, but 3 times I went into the kitchen going – what am I doing here? – Gosh my daughter’s room is a mess, I must clean it, go clean it then come back – crap breakfast, walk into the kitchen and on it goes… seriously my mind has no filter….. is that just lazy and forgetful or ADHD!

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