[Science and the world of tomorrow] Limited sentient female automatons, how relevant would that leave women in regard to men in general?
In the future (who knows how far away) female automatons are developed that can birth a child (by way of stem cells, genetic manipulation of the uterus of cows, pig, etc. doesn’t really matter, IT WORKS). Also if the automaton is developed to match with the personality of he who will possess it, very similar likes, attributes, dislikes, etc. how relevant would flesh women be to men overall? If men had the chance to have someone who was as soft to the touch, inside and out feel as close to a flesh female to be believed as such, and having seamless conversation yet still be able to birth a child without all of the morning sickness, mood swings, etc. how important would the need for human women be to men?
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31 Answers
But who would make me throw out the trash?~
Sex dolls can move! Wooh, what a time to live in!
Can we develop a male version too? Like some limited automations with functional penises who we will use only for sex and getting pregnant? We would avoid all the headache of dealing with men, like sexism. I wonder, if that happened, what worth would men of flesh be?
Oh please just stop. From what I’ve seen in your previous questions and answers, “limited sentient female automatons” is how you view real women. It’s clear you view us as subservient to men and justify it through your faith.
Ok I just threw out the trash and checked the mail.
Be right back… telling my wife I’m replacing her with a semi-sentient automaton because it can have conversations AND babies with me. I mean, what more could I need in a partner?
Her response. “Good luck with that”.
Come on man, it’s time to go outside. See some people, feel some sunshine, revel in something simple.
If that were the case the need for gender at all is eliminated. Distopian times indeed. Gender brings a little spice and variety to life. May as well go ahead and kill emotion and mood too. Who needs imagination anyway. With out gender we are just a bunch of meat computers walking around.
I should have continued my comment above to properly answer your OP. I will turn the question back on you HC. Given that you seem to see women in this fashion already, wouldn’t you say that this is currently reality and not the future?
@Sneki95 Can we develop a male version too? Like some limited automations with functional penises who we will use only for sex and getting pregnant?
Sure, I guess, but I gather it better be cheap to produce male sperm or getting pregnant will be somewhat costly.
@Inara27 From what I’ve seen in your previous questions and answers, “limited sentient female automatons” is how you view real women
Oh, you too went to the school of Busted Clairvoyance, because if you attempted to know what and how I think, I hope no one bet the farm or the rent money on you being correct. Why would someone procure something like that and not get the options and upgrades they want? Did you spend good money on your home, condo or vehicle and just took anything not knowing what it was? I think not; still doesn’t answer if women will be relevant to men anymore, to some degree.
I will turn the question back on you HC. Given that you seem to see women in this fashion already, wouldn’t you say that this is currently reality and not the future?
You are permitted to ask a question here, open a thread with that and we can discuss it, even if you are starting off on a wrong foot.
Well, from some of the comments that a few of the men here have made about their wives, I think life would be a lot easier and happier for them. There would be no one to argue senselessly and brainlessly with them, and they wouldn’t have to worry about winding up in the hospital with broken bones and internal injuries due to physical abuse by their wives.
They could just buy blow up dolls to stick in their closets for when they want have pretend sex. You could program the doll to say anything you want it to, too. Problem solved.
One question…who’s gonna raise all those boy babies?
@Hypocrisy_Central * gasp * Male sex dolls will be cheaper than female? It sure would be wonderful to be a woman in future, won’t it? Not only we would get rid of annoyance of dealing with men, but we would get the replacement for less money! Can’t wait to see that!
@Dutchess_III You could program the doll to say anything you want it to, too. Problem solved.
No, it wouldn’t, you cannot get a blow up sex doll to laugh at your jokes, no matter how stale, because it would have no concept of humor, can’t go enjoy a movie with you or simply give you conversation at a restaurant while you eat. Blow up sex dolls cannot produce children….so, big problems remain,
HC, of course we can never know what you really think. However, your previous posts all set up a pattern of though. That is all I can go by. What you say is how you will be perceived.
So, I see that nothing will change. Men who treat women as breeding stock will continue to do so. Men who treat women with respect and as an equal partner in life will continue to do so. Those in the first category would buy their breeder-bot and save many a woman the pain of an abusive relationship.
^ What you say is how you will be perceived.
If that is how I come off speaking the language of Fluther, I cannot change that. I cannot speak through the language I normally do concerning women because people here cannot or refuse to acknowledge it, if they could they would see women are a very cherished gift, but that would imply belief in concepts few want to believe in, so why even go there.
Seeing as how I’ve been happily with my wife for close to thirty years and she has never birthed a child, I’d say…pretty fucking relevant.
Or, to be clear, I didn’t marry her for her birthing capability.
I think it would level the playing field sort of. Maybe women wouldn’t be so manipulative all the time ,because sex would be less valuable.
Women would lose power to a degree. They would have to get by the way a man does. It may improve our species as a whole.
Women already have sex toys that are close, or better than the real thing. And they can be artificially inseminated, so I feel like that’s already a thing.
It’s far easier to make a good sex toy for a female. I would think a girl could just pick up a cucumber at the store.
Much harder to reproduce a vagina.
^ Good lord. I just sat here with my mouth hanging open. I’m not even sure where to start. So many questions.
Is this real life?
Did you forget the /s or ~?
Is the major imbalance of power in the world really that it’s just too hard for a man to pleasure himself?
How do we struggle through without some really nice fake vaginas? I mean, I bet men hardly masturbate at all without the technology they need.
Maybe in the future, once I have my semi-sentient automaton, we might be all right and be able to claw our way up to some semblance of equality so we can get busy improving the species. But then all my wife has to do is go pick up a cucumber at the store, and a drive through round of artificial insemination, and we’re right back where we started. Under petticoat rule.
I’m so jealous of how easy women have it sexually, ya know? All that power. All that easy pleasure. Just because they were lucky enough to be born female.
It’s just not fair.
@funkdaddy. Many places in the world it sucks to be female. But in most western countries it’s a blessing. IMO. Currently, anyway. After much work in regards to civil rights.
All “future” visions where any humans are replaced by automatons tend to mainly reveal that the author is missing some part of their empathy and understanding for humans, human contact, etc.
Do we really need such a hypothesis? The answer then, and now is not much.
Not saying I agree with it, just sayin’............
Society needs women. Their relevance there is invaluable.
Wanted to make that clear.
I’m just saying that if I were in the stock market, and vagina was one of my stocks, it’s value would go down with the advent of the robot vagina.
Simple supply and demand economics.
Breasts aren’t that exciting to see these days, because you can see them anywhere. The market for boobs is at an all time low.
Flooding the market with vagina would cause it’s worth to plumet.
@MrGrimm888 Women would lose power to a degree.
I think that is a big part of why anything like that would threaten women. Some (maybe more) use any situation (for lack of a better term) to wrestle power away from men they believe we have.
Society needs women. Their relevance there is invaluable.
Society will still need women, just collectively or individually men will not, at least not nearly as much. If you can have a woman that meshes with you like a hand in a glove, why would you pass on that? No complaints on how long you work, loves to go fly fishing with you every time you go, enjoys truck and tractor pulls, etc. Women would find fewer men on their heels like lap dogs trying to get a bone.
I’m just saying that if I were in the stock market, and vagina was one of my stocks, it’s value would go down with the advent of the robot vagina.
But it would not just be a ”robot vagina”, they have close to that now if the emails in my spam is correct. This would be an actual automated companion tailor made that just happen to have a very real one, she might have action that would equal what a woman can get from the spa jet nozzle.
HC, You’ve just made my point above. Many of your posts center around the concept of women who should be subservient to their man. Do as he wishes, never disagree, etc. This is certainly not seeing women as cherished gifts, and it is looking for exactly what your OP presents, you want an automaton. It’s not a matter of “Fluther Language”, it’s the fact that we here dreams, desires, needs, and whatever. Just like any man…or better any person. When your posts are about making us bend to your desires, or fictional alternatives to fulfil them, you has better expect some strong responses.
Even though you say you speak in the language of Fluther, your true meaning and intent is very clear.
^ This is certainly not seeing women as cherished gifts, and it is looking for exactly what your OP presents, you want an automaton.
You do not know the dispensation of a relationship I would find appealing because you cannot filter or view it from that direction. There are dolls manufactured in the now that men use as women replacements, they are more robot than any sentient being. But they have warming elements to make them close to human body temperature, skin as close to human, human hair, some even have remotes that the owner can use to make the doll seem to interact, either giggle, moan etc. As technology advances, you can be sure those dolls would. In an interview with one of the doll makers he said the men that are his customers get the doll because they do not have to go out to dinner, remember birthdays, or pay out every week as if it were a hooker. Guys really only have need of women because women have the part to keep him from using his hand all of the time. That is why the saying ”Bros before ho’s”, a man will have a falling out, but he is still friends with his buds, and he will be around long after she is gone. However these are more indicative of rented relationships and not one where both are willing to sell all and commit for a life time.
With overpopulation looming, one can only hope
^ Over population where? There is so much acreage on this planet no one lives on, it would take centuries to run out of living space.
^^ Living space has to include food growing space and sufficient water, and many other considerations that add to quality of living, not just standing room.
Yes, like “centuries” is such a loooooong time.
I love the reoccurring theme of “women are so manipulative.” We “use sex” to get what we want. Who the hell’s fault is it if it works?! Do you know we just chuckle to ourselves at how easy it is?
@Dutchess_III – You’re in another thread saying men being overtly sexual makes you feel threatened (and below), and you’re here saying using manipulation through sex is a source of laughs and humor because men fall for it.
There’s some space in between the two, and people’s boundaries should be respected. But those two statements coming from the same person in the course of 24 hours might help illustrate why it’s hard for anyone to understand a universal set of boundaries and respect them before they’re expressed.
If “the line” is always moving (and it is) then we all need to be more understanding when it gets crossed.
@funkdaddy ^^ Now that is food for thought, indeed.
Dutchess. “We use sex to get what we want. Who the hell’s fault is it if it works? Do you know we chuckle to ourselves at how easy it is?”
You sound like a terrible person. I miss read you. You have irreparably damaged your case in any future women’s rights debates. Congratulations.
Enjoy manipulating men to your gain, and saying we oppress you . Look in the mirror for a while. Maybe you’ll find your true oppressor. (Hint. She looks like you.)
@Dutchess_III I love the reoccurring theme of “women are so manipulative.
It is a counter to the theme that men are rooking women, treating them as chattel, owning them as surfs of a Medieval castle, bla, bla, bla…..
@funkdaddy But those two statements coming from the same person in the course of 24 hours might help illustrate why it’s hard for anyone to understand a universal set of boundaries and respect them before they’re expressed.
Hard to know which was the true sentiment, but I would have to say go with the other thread, some people are compelled to go opposite any theme, idea, or premise of some member’s thread, even if in another they agreed with it.
@MrGrimm888 Enjoy manipulating men to your gain, and saying we oppress you .
Which is why I had to chuckle in another thread when she questioned the believe that men were rooking women was artificially concocted in the minds of women, she is showing reasons why, but she will still say men are pigs, out to own women as chattel and control them like a R/C car or plane.
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