What if the mods took away lurve for responses moderated because of attacks ?
Would that help calm fluther down, or overwork the mods and make flutherites feel censored, or ostracized?
If they are more like refs,as in previous thread, penalties could be given. Or is having your response removed penalty enough?
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27 Answers
I think having the response removed is a penalty in itself. Doing anything more won’t affect anything and will just increase the work for the mods.
Not to mention if a jelly is new and doesn’t have much lurve. If the lurve is taken away what will they get? Minus lurve?
I think the mechanics of removal and the calculating if they had reach the points (100 points from someone) would be a nightmare for the mods.
Remove the the offending item is enough.
Literally no one actually cares about lurve anymore.
^^Exactly what’s with all these lurve related questions lately?
It means precisely squat, give your heads a wobble.
For Pete’s sake. Penalties. No.
I think most people who respond with personal attacks don’t care if their response is removed. They were happy enough to let the vomit spew. Anything after that means nothing to them.
who gives two shits about lurve?
Well. I’ve seen several questions on meta about lurve. I’ve seen several ‘welcomed’ for achieving certain numbers. So SOME flutherites care…Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked the question.
Plus, I couldn’t think of another way to penalize someone here.
Weird as it is, I do believe a high number of people would care about that. The lurve gaming we see on occasion is proof. Humans like games, and they love indicators of support.
That said…this sounds like a lot of work, and it’s too punitive for my taste. I believe getting posts removed is frustrating enough for most people. I don’t think of that as “punishment” at all, it’s simply about keeping Fluther as friendly and helpful as intended.
For one thing, the necessity for “calming fluther down” is not the problem confronting our moribund home. The “funeral parlor” air of the place is readily apparent when contrasted against days gone by. What’s the point to penalties in an environment of ever diminishing controversy? Why crack down when there’s little worth fighting about?
You’ll have a hard time convincing me nobody cares about lurve, but that said, I agree with @Jeruba—penalties we do not need.
To clarify. I’m not suggesting this action by the mods. I just wanted to bring up that attacks could be penalized. Because some say pretty awful things to others. Because in large part, there are no ramifications for anonymous people saying whatever they want.
Do you honestly think penalizing people will work?
I mean, I’ll tell you right now: It won’t work.
I say pretty awful things sometimes. I say them because I intend to say them and because I intend them to be read by the person they are addressing.
You want to dock points? I’ve got over 33,000. Knock yourself out. When I’m back down to 0, what happens? If this were a site with a huge user turnover, so droves of new people coming in could see a high number and know that’s a trustworthy user, that plan might work. But those days left Fluther a long time ago. We all know each other. I’ll be Seek with 33,000 points or 30.
There were lots of questions about attacks, or where are the mods?
I wanted to start a discussion about how to reduce the negative attacks.
Why any flutherite would take it differently is beyond me.
I’m not trying to do anything other than open a discussion on how we could reduce attacks on flutherites.
Meh. I’d rather see more attacks if it meant reading interesting conversations again.
Some people would drop out of the cellar and no one would really have a chance to show an Atta boy for their attack, so maybe they would stop doing it if they don’t see any visual manifestation or agreement to it.
Answerbag had a negative scoring down rates system. It didn’t go well. Even they got rid of it.
@MrGrimm888 I think you missed @Seek‘s point. She was only pointing out how your solution won’t work, though she was being a bit agressive.
And you only mentioned the lurve penalty, so we discussed lurve penalty with you. If you want us to talk about something more like how to reduce attack, why didn’t you at least write something in the detail like “And if my suggestion doesn’t work, how can we reduce attack, in your opinion?”
If you want to reduce attacks maybe users who receive a certain amount of removed attacks could be temporarily banned? We haven’t had a suspension in a long time. It used to happen.
I’m new to the site. I don’t have any great ideas other than the one I mentioned. And IMO, I don’t have enough seniority to even suggest that.
I guess we’re all in Fluther for different reasons. @Seek seems to like the fireworks.
It was just a passing thought.
If people really enjoy arguing over debating, that’s there right.
@MrGrimm888 I only meant that you should make your point a bit clearer. I didn’t know you want to discuss how to deal with attack until your response. We only see “lurve penalty” and we focus on that, lest we go too off-topic. A single “any other idea to reduce attack on this site?” line in the details never requires much seniority.
And even after that, isn’t it acceptable to argue over why certain things will work and others won’t? As long as it is kept civil, it provides more chance for brainstorming and ideas. Do you only want people to give you a list of their ideas, no more no less?
Or are you upset over some jellies talking about how important lurve is to some people? That may seem a little off-topic, but you can see it doesn’t last for long, and in the end it is about lurve penalty again.
And to clarify, I don’t have any idea either. I enjoy sitting back and admiring other jellies’ great mind.
@Mimishu1995 . At the time I raised the question there were a lot of negative responses. Some jellies seem to hunt down others just to be mean to them. They don’t care about the thread. Their interest seems simply to argue with the jelly.
It hasn’t really happened to me. Of course, I don’t think I made any friends in a couple recent threads about women. I try and try ,but I don’t think a couple jellies even read my posts, they seemed to hear what they wanted to. It occurs to me that they may falsely think I don’t like,or support women. So it’s possible that from now on they may follow me around just to yell at me. If it happens, it happens.
As I read back through a couple of my responses, I realized I’m guilty of what I didn’t like. I’ve been pretty unpleasant to @SmashThe state . I felt his words might lead someone to hurt others, so I was pretty disrespectful, and shitty to him. I feel bad about that…. It’s got to be frustrating when jellies won’t let something go, and just beat a dead horse.
So. I apologize to STS and Fluther, for being what I was trying to stop. Guess that makes me a hypocrit….
Your intention may be right but don’t think it’s gonna work. It won’t matter to the people who want to attack a particular individual if their points are reduced. Who cares about them anyways? Best way would be moderating such content / increasing no. of moderators if that’s the issue.
^The very next question posted in meta is about lurve. Seems pretty relevant to some.
I’m late to this response, but the way I look at it is this: My saying something idiotic or obnoxious today doesn’t change the fact that I said something thoughtful and lurve-worthy yesterday, and so it shouldn’t take away from the lurve other jellies gave me to reflect that moment. I don’t know that it makes sense to say “oops, you don’t actually deserve 10 points for post #179 because you behaved badly in post #180.”
But then, I have a strong bias against punitive measures, especially when other strategies are effective. And moderating is largely effective. So yes, like others, I think removing the response is enough.
I think that’s also why calling it “lurve,” and not points or score, is key. Setting up a system of lurve deductions, I imagine, would start to make it more transactional, more like a currency, more like a “here’s five points for wit, and here’s minus three points for lack of civility.” By contrast, lurve keeps track of something that can’t be confiscated, something that once given isn’t conditional or probationary or revocable.
I know that many people say lurve doesn’t matter, but I do enjoy getting it, and I do enjoy seeing my lurve count slowly go up. Breaking 8k has been a long time coming for me—for various reasons—and so it does mean something to me. There’s something about it being indelible, being only ever on the rise, that (at least to me) gives it the nice shiny smell of lurve.
I think there should be added lurve points when someone tosses out an amazing zinger. Like the Jelly sStinger award or the Great White Bite. lol
I am the worlds easiest person to get along with but when stupid and warped is so glaringly obvious, well…slice ‘em and dice ‘em. Which can be done, quite effectively, without resorting to any personal attacks and name calling.
It just takes a decent vocabulary, some sharp humor and a way with words. haha
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