Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What do you think of this college t-shirt?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) September 14th, 2016 from iPhone

This was just marketed to me through Facebook. A school mascot with under God on it. I’ve never seen anything like that before, all my years on campus, or just in general.

Does it bother you? Couldn’t care less? Inappropriate for a state school?

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18 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

Seems good. Looks like one of those “for around the house” t-shirts.

And if you buy two more, you get it cheaper!

What are you waiting for? :D

stanleybmanly's avatar

Are they Spartans?

zenvelo's avatar

Should read “Under Zeus” or “Under gods”.

Didn’t realize the American Taliban had taken over Michigan State.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It is less offensive than a lot of others I have seen.

If it’s a state school then it’s probably questionable of the Univ should be endorsing it or allowing its logo on it. If it’s a private business doing the market and they have licensed the picture, then probably nothing you could do even if you wanted to.

Bottom line: there are more important things to worry about.

Seek's avatar

I wouldn’t buy one.

Buttonstc's avatar

It’s definitely an exact copy of the Michigan Spartans logo, but since it lacks the copyright symbol usually found on the bottom it’s likely not authorized by the school.

Also, the high price and the time-limited nature of the offer would suggest that they may be expecting a “cease and desist” notice so they’re making all the profit they can.

imrainmaker's avatar

It shouldn’t be marketed by college / University.

Buttonstc's avatar

It doesn’t appear to be marketed by the school or else it would be on their official website rather than some relatively unknown site.

Just another sign of someone out to make a quick buck.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Great! Woot woot! That is what I think if that shirt, too bad others don’t have the moxie to follow suit.

Cruiser's avatar

I agree with @Buttonstc I cannot find a TeeHeartBeat home page that list shirts or other apparel of collegiate or other. The mascot is not associated with any college or university so my guess it is merely done for someones own amusement.

rojo's avatar

Not my Cup O’ Tee.

pun intended

jonsblond's avatar

Meh, it’s just a shirt.

ucme's avatar

Typical america, fiddle with the letters in the bottom words & you get Grounded… ironic much.

JLeslie's avatar

@Cruiser You don’t think the MSU logo/mascot is trademarked? I’d be pretty sure people need permission to use it if they want to profit off of it.

I don’t know if this vendor has permission. I also don’t know if it’s an exact replica of my school’s mascot, but I know they are marketing it to me.

ibstubro's avatar

I don’t know when we became such a god flaring nation.

Buttonstc's avatar

I checked with Google Images and it is an exact copy of the Michigan Spartans copyrighted logo so it’s definitely an unauthorized use. Otherwise it would be on a website affiliated with the school.

And presumably you have your MSU affiliation listed as part of your Facebook info, so no surprise that’s where they’re marketing it to you.

I’m sure the school will be shutting it down soon. Not that a big deal overall. I imagine stuff like this happens all the time with logos of many schools.

gondwanalon's avatar

Weird. I don’t think that Jesus would approve.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, to each their own.

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