Social Question

What is something "Old School" that you like better than the modern version?
I am trying to avoid comparing the obvious cheap quality of many of the things we buy today, but I ask this question because of a couple recent experiences I have had.
Earlier this week my less than 5 yr old Mr. Coffee crapped out on me and since I have been making my coffee with a French Press I had in the cabinet. Very little extra effort to make the coffee and frankly I think it tastes better. Adios Mr. Coffee.
Today I have to make a sample of a product we have not made in 18 years that utilizes a VERY thick amine that is “old school” resins that has been largely replaced by thinner resins for primarily ease of use. This adhesive demands that I use the older resin because it has proven itself to be the only amine to effectively bond copper to concrete without failure. The process will be more time consuming but the results will be much more improved.
People who can their veggies, preserve their fruits, bake from scratch and refinish old furniture know the value of the investment of your time in such endeavors with much improved end results.
I still see people with flip phones and you could not pry them out of their cold dead hands. What are some items or products that you prefer to use from days gone by over today’s modern versions?