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JLeslie's avatar

Which stocks do you like that pay dividends?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) September 17th, 2016 from iPhone

I’m not in the stock market near as much as I should be. I missed the growth the last couple of years, because I had chickened out.

I’m considering putting more money into stocks that pay fairly consistent dividends. What do you suggest?

I did a little research. I looked at Warren Buffets suggestions. Read some articles.

Do you know of a good website for calculating if you had invested X dollars in a particular fund or stock on Y date, you would have Z amount of dollars now. Also, if it can separate out dividends earnings that would be great.

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5 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I have money in dividend-paying mutual funds. In other words, the mutual fund only invests in companies that pay dividends.

Read and listen to this:

Doing this – mutual funds – means that you are leveraging the whole market instead of just the couple of stocks that you happen to choose.

kritiper's avatar

Guns and railroads.

monthly's avatar

I recommend low cost no-load mutual funds. Vanguard is a good place to start.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

This is my general strategy, dividend growth. Mutual fund returns have been less than stellar. I missed out on gains after the 2008 mess too. In addition to dividend stocks I like to play stocks that are obviously undervalued. Gopro and Duluth trading were my big winners this year.

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