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azlotto's avatar

Bone-in or boneless Buffalo chicken wings?

Asked by azlotto (2456points) September 17th, 2016

I think the bone gives meat more flavor.

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26 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bone-in gives way more flavor; chicken wings, prime rib roast and pork shoulder. All have a better taste because of the marrow in the bone.

azlotto's avatar

@Tropical_Willie,...Indeed especially prime rib roast…I even try to dig out the marrow from the bones…Thanks, Tropical_Willie.

Seek's avatar

I prefer boneless, but that’s mostly because I like to eat with a knife and fork rather than my fingers.

dappled_leaves's avatar

I’ve never seen boneless chicken wings, so I’m going to land on the side of the bones.

janbb's avatar

@dappled_leaves That’s because they can’t fly north without the bones in.

And for a serious answer, I prefer the bones in.

azlotto's avatar

@Seek…No chopsticks?...jk…Thanks for your answer :)

johnpowell's avatar

Boneless here. I don’t like to be reminded of where meat comes from.

azlotto's avatar

@dappled_leaves…Ha, I got that…I’ve seen them and even tried them…I prefer the unboned variety.

BellaB's avatar

Bone in for sure. I want the extra flavour being cooked around the bone gives. It also means it’s been processed less, which is important to me.

azlotto's avatar

@janbb…“That’s because they can’t fly north without the bones in”...Are you referring to buffaloes or chickens flying north?...jk.

I also prefer the bones in… Thanks for your reply.

azlotto's avatar

@johnpowell…Same here…Mechanically separated meat doesn’t sound healthy to me.

azlotto's avatar

@BellaB…“Bone in for sure”...Agreed.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Boneless. It’s less work. And I really don’t like the spice combination of “Buffalo” wings. But I like my wings every other way.

janbb's avatar

@azlotto That question reminds me of a funny ad from some years ago that ended: “Silly Daddy, buffaloes can’t fly!”

azlotto's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus…Thanks for your reply.

Seek's avatar

@azlotto – I’m great with chopsticks, but buffalo wings aren’t really chopstick food.

azlotto's avatar

@Seek…I was joking, and yes, “buffalo wings aren’t really chopstick food”

I can also use chopsticks, but I prefer spoons and forks.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I like boneless because it’s breast meat.

Seek's avatar

Yeah, @ARE_you_kidding_me, considering that buffalo sauce is fully half butter, the low-fat meat is a major plus.

BellaB's avatar

I use straight-up Frank’s hot sauce from the Anchor Bar in Buffalo on my wings. No need to add anything else. Frank’s is so tasty – I put it on everything. I’ve got a bottle beside the keyboard here – and one behind the mini-hard drive at my desk.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Boneless? Never. To me those are not wings. I don’t know what they are, but they aren’t wings.

Now if you had asked: drumsticks or flats – that’s another story.

Seek's avatar

@BellaB – When I’m tossing wings, I use a mixture of half-Frank’s, half-butter. It’s a recipe I got from a restaurateur friend. Hasn’t failed me yet.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Butter fucking rocks, so does white meat chicken, hot sauce and crispy deep fried batter. I prefer white meat chicken but not for health reasons

That said when I make them , I don’t use any butter. Franks is all I need. Drumsticks all the way if we are making bones mandatory.

Actually my favorite sauce for wings is cholula, the one with the wooden cap.

azlotto's avatar


Uh huh, huh huh, you said breast…jk…Just reminiscing about “Beavis and Butthead”

Thanks for your reply.

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