Enough of the nicey niceness, can you tell us of a time when you resorted to bluntness equal to, or bordering on, rude?
Asked by
ibstubro (
September 18th, 2016
How did you feel after?
How often does this happen with you?
Would you do it all over, the same, again?
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20 Answers
I got a call at work from Mr. Mike Davis who clearly was of foreign descent (Indian) and he introduced himself as an ATT agent who could help me restructure my biz phone service and as it so happened I just had a new ATT phone system installed and needed one extra phone station installed and he said he would be happy to help me with that AND offer a much lower overall service package that would save me $50.00 per month on my monthly bill. He also said he would also show their appreciation for my loyalty to ATT by giving me a tablet PC with 6 gigs of service. Please hold and my supervisor will go over the details of this exciting service plan. Mr Meyers (another clearly foreign speaking (India) service rep) went over the details of the plan and told me how the tablet was only $50.00 per month additional. I said excuse me? I already have a tablet, an I Pad, 2 lap tops and a cell phone and I told him no thanks and hung up. Mr Davis proceeded to call back 5 times and each time my secretary told him I was not interested….the 6th time I got on the line and told him in no pleasant words to stop f’&^%‘ng calling my business and slammed down the phone. This was last week.
I told a good friend to f off online. Ruined my friendship and life and I had to slime move away.
That’s part of my job not to be rude but to be blunt if someone is not performing well enough who’re working under me. I’m a nice person otherwise and haven’t reached rudeness level you’re referring to.
I was in a Target store a few weeks ago and had some items and grocery items when I realized I had left my chip card at the last store I had been at about a 2 minute drive away. Damn machines that don’t signal to remove your card. gah!
I asked the clerk to hold my items and I would be right back, in less than 10 minutes, literally and I was. It took me about 6 minutes to dash across the road to the other store and the clerk had my card.
I return to Target and the damn clerk had had my basket taken away!
I was furious!
iI was like 103 degrees out that day and I had spent about 30 minutes shopping all in vain. I said very loudly to the clerk ” You put my items back, you PUT my items BACK, when I TOLD you I would be RIGHT BACK?!”
“Thanks for NOTHING!”
Seriously, I’m a nice looking middle aged woman, did I LOOK like I was going to bail on my cart full of stuff that I just spent 45 minutes shopping for? Arrrrgh!
I then went next door to the Safeway and had to re-shop for everything. I was so-damn-pissed-off! The only redeeming grace was the bottle of wine I bought. haha
Fuck you Target employee!
^^ Will you shop at the same store again?
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
I tried to break up with my ex in a “nice” way (whatever that even means, honestly) and stay friends with him but our “friendship” became him telling me every two seconds how much I hurt him and then when I started dating someone new he threatened to “bash his head in” so I told him in no uncertain terms to fuck off permanently, which was mostly effective.
Another friend of mine really really needed therapy but he refused to give it a chance and instead started using me as an unpaid therapist, which I was really uncomfortable with. I mean, I understand that part of being a friend is listening to their problems, but it had become a 100% one-sided friendship of him just coming over to my apartment and crying while I sat there. I realized that by being there for him in that fashion I was “enabling” him to continue not getting the therapy he needed, so instead of listening to him I just kept saying “therapy” every time he tried to contact me. Which was kind of douchey. But then he did start therapy.
I try not to be rude, but I do find myself becoming more blunt as I get older and am less in the mood for BS. In particular, there are a couple of people at work who are downright rude to me, and, while I do not answer back with rudeness, I do give them a piece of my mind. As a 46-year-old who has been through an awful lot this past year, I am no longer willing to put up with twenty-somethings talking to me like I’m their three-year-old child.
I almost ran over a cop today and he was super cool. I was going through a parking lot at a local park and his SUV Sheriff vehicle was parked on the side of the road. Something was going down, a couple Sheriffs and a fire truck in the parking lot. Maybe someone was fatally injured by one of the park geese or fell off a swing. lol
The Sheriff dashed across the parking lot right in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes. He literally ran right in front of my car going about 10mph.
I had my window down and I said, jokingly, ” Don’t you DARE give me a ticket, I’ve never had a moving violation.” lol
He just cracked up and said ” You’re fine, good for you!”
Yeah , well bud, good thing I wasn’t a train, you’d be toast. A badge doesn’t slow down a locomotive, maybe an older chick in an Accord. haha
Often. I’m a pretty blunt person by my nature.
@Darth_Algar Just remember, there is a fine line between blunt and total dickhead. lol
A fine line between blunt and obnoxious. Blunt and spoiling for a fight. Blunt and provocation.
And there’s an even thinner line separating dickhead. @Coloma.
The head of the dept. I worked for told us that the dept. Was about to restructure due to merging with another company. He invited my supervisor and me out to dinner as part of an interview process for a potential candidate to replace him while he went from overseeing not only our dept. but another as well.
My supervisor was nervous as he was next in line internally for the job. I told him not to worry. I knew the candidate from previous jobs in the company, and while the guy was really nice, he didn’t have the credentials that my supervisor did.
The four of us met at the designated restaurant. What started out as an amicable evening soon turned into an uncomfortable one. It wasn’t an interview but a sales pitch by the dept. head to say that it was a done deal and to accept it.
It finally dawned on me. The dept. head wasn’t following company protocol in hiring standards. Instead, he chose his best friend and the godfather of his children to fill a position that hadn’t been posted and that he wasn’t qualified for.
One glance at my supervisor told me that he wasn’t going to speak up. So I did. It wasn’t pretty. I was really ticked off that he would try to manipulate us and even think that we would fall for it.
We left shortly after that. I don’t recall that we ever got around to ordering dinner. The dept. head’s buddy was hired. We all moved past the incident as if it never happened.
A line that only exists in the mind of the beholder. I honestly don’t concern myself much with how someone reacts to what I say as I learned long ago that most people merely want flattery and meek agreement, rather than honest opinions.
@Darth_Algar No, the line that exists is the line of basic good manners and tact, grace and diplomacy, unless someone is being a complete ass, then, by all means, let ‘em have it.
Good manners never go out of style. Not caring how you come across to others doesn’t make someone honest, it makes them a jerk.
manners are an insult to true freedom.
Honesty and bluntness are not mutually exclusive, honesty and niceness are not mutually inclusive.
I cannot recall in the real, but here I am always accused of that, or not being blunt but just plain rude, bygones…..
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