What are some acronyms you use or know of?
Asked by
Cruiser (
September 19th, 2016
On today’s morning news they reported that I need to BOLO for the NY bombing suspect. BOLO?? WOT? They explained it is to be on the lookout for this dude. Then I realized these acronyms are everywhere. When I grew up we did not use acronyms in our everyday conversations, but texting, social media etc. almost demand their use but old fogies like me are often in the dark as to what they mean.
So could you help me out and offer up your everyday acronyms with their meaning. If you don’t have any, then go ahead and make some up. Thanks in advance.
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43 Answers
PIA: means “Proprietary Information Agreement”. Really?!?!
Sorry @LuckyGuy You made that one up as it didn’t make the official list ~
PIA Professional Insurance Agents
PIA Pakistan International Airlines (ICAO code)
PIA Printing Industries of America
PIA Pittsburgh International Airport
PIA Primary Interop Assembly
PIA Pearson International Airport (Toronto, Canada)
PIA Paid In Advance
PIA Prison Industry Authority (California)
PIA Pass It Along (Sparta, NJ)
PIA Planned Incremental Availability
PIA Payment In Advance
PIA Proprietary Information Agreement
PIA Parlamento Indígena de América (Spanish: Indigenous Parliament of America; Bolivia)
PIA Pure Internet Architecture (PeopleSoft)
PIA Participatory Impact Assessment
PIA Plastics Institute of America
PIA Porcine Intestinal Adenomatosis
PIA Progressive Indirect Attack
PIA Products in Action
PIA Professional Inventors Alliance
PIA Public Information Agency
PIA Peoria, IL, USA – Greater Peoria Airport (Airport Code)
PIA Parent Interviews for Autism
PIA Programmable Interface Adapter
PIA Particulate Impact Analyzer
PIA Program Independent Assessment
PIA Photometers for Imaging the Aurora (Astrid-2 spacecraft)
PIA Protein Interaction Analysis
PIA Propagation and Infection Analysis
PIA Preliminary Interdependency Analysis (Integrated Risk Reduction of Information-Based Infrastructure Systems; EU)
PIA Propellant Isolation Assembly
PIA Programme Implementation Agency (India)
PIA Public Information Advisor
PIA Part in Assembly
PIA Program Initiation Agreement
PIA Power Injected Amplifier (structured home wiring for cable TV, internet, & audio distribution)
PIA Pyongyang International Airport
PIA Post Instructional Activity (aka homework)
PIA Peritonitis Index of Altona
PIA Photon-counting Image Acquisition
PIA Pre Infarct Angina
PIA Program Initiation Authorization
PIA Power Interface Assembly
PIA Perfect Information Algorithm
PIA Packet Immediate Assignment
PIA Period of Insect Activity (entomology)
PIA Pioneer Investments Austria
PIA Partners in Africa (Saint Paul, MN)
PIA Pain In the Ass
PIA Parachute Industry Association
PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter
PIA Personal Investment Authority
PIA Philippine Information Agency
PIA Primary Immunodeficiency Association
PIA Primary Insurance Amount (US Social Security)
PIA Privacy Impact Assessment
PIA Procurement Integrity Act
PIA Partnership Intermediary Agreement
PIA Peoplesoft Internet Architecture
PIA Personal Injury Accident
PIA Personal Insolvency Agreement (debt management)
PIA Priority Inversion Avoidance
PIA Plant Inspection Assistant
PIA Public Interest Advocate (various organizations)
PIA Product Implementation Architecture
PIA Process Improvement Associates (training and management consulting company)
PIA Partnership in Action
PIA Partial I/O (Input/Output) Activation (computer science)
PIA Proxy Interceptor Agent
I recently attended my daughter’s college open evening…milf central
After many years in advertising having to come up with them for clients, I try to avoid using them in my speech and online now that I’m retired.
That said, I always loved (though never use) two of WWII vintage: SNAFU (situation normal, all fucked up) and FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition/any repair/all reason). One I loathe is WMB (weapons of mass destruction).
Just yesterday I heard on NPR about a Baroque string ensemble that calls itself ACRONYM, which is dedicated to giving modern premieres of the wild instrumental music of the seventeenth century.
@Pachy To go along with FUBAR and SNAFU, there’s BOHICA. Bend over, here it comes again.
I have so many acronyms at work it’s hard to keep them all straight.
@Cruiser I didn’t make it up.I can show you the document! It makes me smile whenever I see it.
Well, there are:
• REO (Real estate Equity Owned)
• FSBO (For Sale By Owner)
• ECM (Emissions Control Module)
• ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)
• SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States)
• SHU (Segregated Housing Unit)
• GSW (Gunshot Wound)
• GPM (Gallons per minute)
• PSI (Pounds per Square Inch_)
• BOGO (Buy one, Get One free)
I am out of time, have to go, but you get the picture.
Under the general definition, an acronym is pronounced as a word or phrase. Many common abbreviations are simply initialisms, not acronyms.
@Cruiser, you grew up with plenty of acronyms but might not have been aware of them. As a child, I often heard scuba, radar, NASA, NATO, laser, Necco, etc. and didn’t connect with their component words.
HIPPA. Health insurance portability and accountability act. This is a law designed to provide privacy and protect patients medical records and health information.
We at work kinda joke about newscasters who report medical information about celebrities, law breakers etc. HIPPA violator!
POTS: plain old telephone service
OC: optical carrier
OPGW: optical power ground wire
DTT: direct transfer trip
SFP: small form factor pluggable
ADCP: acoustic dopler current profiler
VWT: vibrating wire transducer
IED: intelligent electronic device
SOE: sequence of events
SCADA: supervisory control and data acquisition
SONET: synchronous optical network
TDN: time division multiplexing
PLC: power line carrier
PLC: programmable logic controller
ADC: analog to digital converter
ARP: address resolution protocol
I literally hear conversations in acronyms at times.
I found this sentence on an Engineering website that @LuckyGuy should appreciate!
At our workplace sometimes an NMR will result in a PMO but subsequently could require a DCR which might lead to a DCN and of course the DER and FAA will need to verify the veracity of the change(s).
NMR non-conforming material report
PMO protoype modification order
DCR design change request
DCN design change notice
DER designated engineering representative
FAA fededral areonautics admininstration
I attended a stand-up comic’s performance last night and learned a new one: DTF.
TTYS or TTYL – talk to you soon or talk to you later.
PIE = Proto Indo-European
IPA = International Phonetic Alphabet
YOLO = You only live once (on the Internet)
I’ve been MIA for 3 days and NOEN.
@janbb and @Sneki95 Those are kinda what I am referring to. LITS, BFF, FWB, AMA, STFU, WWJD, IRL…I use these as infrequently as I can as I know what it like to have to Google these damn things to find out what they are.
Rick always uses KW for “kilowatts.” I once pointed out to him that it takes exactly as much time to say the whole word, and it doesn’t sound pretentious, but he still does it. Guess it’s an industry thang.
@Cruiser I don’t know what half of those are. LOL (laughing out loud). BTW (by the way) you can also say (write?) ROFL (rolling over the floor laughing) or LMFAO (laughing my fucking ass off. There is even a band with that name). On YT (You Tube) I found the phrase kys (kill your self. I thought it meant “keep Youtube safe” lol). If you happen to end up on Omegle, the first thing you’ll be asked is ASL (age sex location) and M or F (male or female?) Don’t ask how or why I know that.
ATM (at the moment) I’m a bit busy, so I’ll be AKF (away from keyboard). I found this thingy. It may help you with your internet slang, so your kids won’t go “smh” (shaking my head) on you.
LMK (let me know) how did your internet slang turn out.
@Sneki95 Here you go…
LITS – Life is too short
BFF – Best friends forever,
FWB – Friends with benefits
AMA – Ask me anything
STFU – my favorite and reigning King Acronym….Shot the fuck up!
WWJD – What would Jesus do
IRL – In real life.
Anybody know what KYBO means? You used to be able to find them in Forest Preserves.
@Love_my_doggie Under the general definition, an acronym is pronounced as a word or phrase. Many common abbreviations are simply initialisms, not acronyms.
In that case:
• FAT (File Allocation Table)
• SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
• POW MIA (Prisoner Of War, Missing In Action)
• SAM (Surface to Air Missile)
• CAD (Computer Assisted Drawing)
• FOB (Freight Onboard)
• COD (Cash On Delivery)
• DIP switch (dual in-line package)
• Jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
• GIF (_Graphics Interchange Format _)
• Mpeg (Moving Picture Experts Group)
• MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor)
• DOB (Date Of Birth)
That should be more accurate then.
I always have liked FUBAR.
From my time in I.T.:
IT – Information Technology
RTFM – Read the Fucking Manual
PEBKAC – Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
BRB – be right back. Didn’t know what it meant the first time someone wrote it to me.
EOM – End of Message
I use this when I’m too lazy to write a whole email and want to send someone a very quick note.
JB – Just bad or Justin Bieber.
FYI – For your information.
BTW – By the way.
B/c – Because.
Plz – Please.
BS – Bullshit.
WTFU – Where’s the Fair Use
WIP – Work in process.
HS – High school.
OTL – no meaning whatsoever. Just a symbol of a man kneeling down.
I can’t believe no one has put up BYOB! Wait a minute! It’s Monday Night Football…c’mon over and watch the Bears pound Philly….but since I don’t drink…bring your own beer!
It’s POETS day. (Piss off early tomorrow’s Saturday).
Actually it’s Tuesday (but I wish it was Friday).
Here’s an old one that doesn’t get used anymore: AFKAP – Artist formerly known as Prince.
I’ll use ETA -Estimated Time of Arrival
ASAP – As soon as possible – Pronounced “ASAP.”
OMG – Pronounced “Oh Em Gee.”
WTF – I’m more likely to say “What the fuck” but when texting or pm’ing, I use “WTF.”
This past summer I saw a shirt that said “WWDD?” I’ve seen “WWJD” which is “What would Jesus do” but had no clue what “WWDD” was. I googled and found it was “What would Dory do?”
I had a funny situation where I’d responded to a colleague with TY. She wrote to me and said ‘what the heck does TY mean!). It means thank you.
Beavis needs TP! for his nsfw.
When I make a shopping list, I write
CL for Cat Litter
CF for Cat food
TP for Toilet Paper
PT for Paper Towels.
I can’t forget AKA – “also known as” and LOL. You know what LOL means.
Here’s one of my favorites!
POS = piece of shit
And another I have become familiar with lately,
OBD = on board diagnostics
We can’t forget KYA! Kick your ass!
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