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What is your workday like?
I am not so interested in what you do for a living or what you make but more so as to what is it you do from the time you wake up to the moment you walk back in the door of your home. What time do you wake up, what is your morning ritual like, how do you get to work, how long does it take, what is it you do when you get to work? Is you job same same every day or is it varied and if you could offer some examples. Do you work in a small office, factory, big corporation or self employed. Offer as many or few details. If you don’t work…then what do you do all day with your time? If you are a student, please share what your week day is like.
The big final question I would like you to answer is…do you like what you do? If you do then why…if you don’t…why not and what would you rather do instead?
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